Posts by bob daktari

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  • Hard News: Music: The Homecoming Queen,

    auckland • Since Dec 2006 • 540 posts Report

  • Hard News: The uncooling of the inner West, in reply to Dastardly Bounder,

    great points

    the thing I've found since moving out of the inner city burbs is a renewed sense of community and lack of pretension. Greeting people as you pass on the street, knowing your neighbours, the sounds of children playing... all the things that quickly disappeared in my Ponsonby & Grey Lynn years as the materialists moved in built fences and disengaged with those around them

    auckland • Since Dec 2006 • 540 posts Report

  • Hard News: The uncooling of the inner West, in reply to BenWilson,

    we get cards, personalised hand written letters and the like a few times a week out here in Glen Eden... which if they use the correct fire lighting paper is appreciated

    Not overly surprising as our street since we've moved here has been prone to the buy, lick o paint, bung in rental furniture take photo and sell again syndrome with a few houses changing speculators hands 2 to 3 times in the past year

    I wonder how many houses, Auckland wide, haven't had anyone live in them for years as a consequence

    auckland • Since Dec 2006 • 540 posts Report

  • Hard News: The uncooling of the inner West, in reply to Rich of Observationz,

    bars in many areas are constrained by licensing issues and license trusts - some of the most depressing drinking options avail. are found under the trusts

    Ponsonby is rare in that its main street wasn't and still isn't dominated by the same chain stores many other suburbs are - New Lynn, as an example, could be cool given the transport options... will it, doubtful cause of the soul-less nature of the chainstore centric shopping centre/transport hub. Move away from that and its all big shed retail land - an area for interesting retail/cafes to flourish and spark anything other than a generic consumer culture, hells no

    auckland • Since Dec 2006 • 540 posts Report

  • Hard News: The uncooling of the inner West, in reply to Russell Brown,

    The Auckland rental market is actually pretty stable compared to the crazy market in ownership.

    market might be stable - the lot of a renter most certainly isn't

    auckland • Since Dec 2006 • 540 posts Report

  • Hard News: The uncooling of the inner West, in reply to Amanda Wreckonwith,

    Culture is organic. It thrives on change not stagnation

    I certainly agree and culture is changing - there is no shortage of young things doing interesting things on very little and for those with plenty of disposable money the amount of culture on offer is staggering compared to not that long ago

    I just hope those managing to cling on to over priced rentals and small over priced apartments can and do make something sustainable out of the inner city culturally that isn't just catering to the monied classes

    auckland • Since Dec 2006 • 540 posts Report

  • Hard News: The uncooling of the inner West, in reply to Amanda Wreckonwith,

    Why can this culture not develop in those areas like it did in Grey Lynn, Ponsonby and Point Chev?

    the further out you live in Auckland the more of your life you lose to travel... and the more scattered the young (and older who crave the same) become, making any replication or whatever of what Grey Lynn et al so, um, interesting and fun to live very difficult to emulate in any given form. Though saying that all the outer suburbs are slowly but surely accommodating and becoming more 'interesting' as businesses open and the inner city refugees take up homes -cafes and eateries mainly

    syou can still find the sort of culture in the smaller cities where things are still affordable and the young and creative can gather easily

    auckland • Since Dec 2006 • 540 posts Report

  • Hard News: The uncooling of the inner West, in reply to Russell Brown,

    I think you're way to late - so many of the inner west suburbs that were affordable (for renters and buyers) are now Parnell in everything but name

    auckland • Since Dec 2006 • 540 posts Report

  • Hard News: Friday Music: An accompanied korero, in reply to Grant McDougall,

    the Complete Electro-Acoustic Works is a equally wonderful listen - his classical stuff isn't too shabby either (mild understatement)

    such a great addition to the Hall Of Fame

    auckland • Since Dec 2006 • 540 posts Report

  • Hard News: Friday Music: An accompanied korero,

    damn that Phil Collins track is good, top share! Liked his take on ACR's Shackup on his soundcloud page too

    Now I have something to temper my usual reaction to that mans name

    auckland • Since Dec 2006 • 540 posts Report

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