Posts by Ross Mason

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  • OnPoint: Tax cut zombies,

    Has anyone gasped - or grasped - at the headline the other day about the Deriviatives Market the NZX is about to set up?? And here

    Why are "we" doing this? Why are "we" allowing this? I can't believe that NZ has failed to grasp the fact that hedge funds, derivatives and chasing "indices" is nothing but speculation and gambling. Gambling with money that indirectly comes from you and me. Betting on numbers or "indices". It's effing Lotto! Jesus Christ!

    Clicking the ticket for merely churning the money through the financial "system". These things f*&ked the world financial system over the last 2 to 3 years! Don't we learn?

    I love the term "products" that they have the gall to call them.

    It begs the question. Who benefits? It looks like the shareholders of the NZX are the main ones. Anyone on PS got any shares they want to part with?

    This cowboy country is still alive and clipping.

    It would be far far better to sort out better investment schemes that invest in NZ Inc. Come on guys/guyesses, why not use your intelligence, cunning and guile to invent some REAL benefit for the country rather than for the few.

    This right out of John Boy Land I venture. "I made money out of this therefore it must be good for the country". Yeah right.

    I think you get the idea that I'm pissed.

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Somebody Had To Say This....,

    That will be a dead end bridge you want.

    Try this

    The other side - the really really bushy side was probably the settlers version of hell so we must be pretty close to satisfying the customer.

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Somebody Had To Say This....,

    Of course not to forget

    Jesus Pita Bread

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Somebody Had To Say This....,

    Philip, we have a history that is getting longer and longer of excellent pieces put up on Trademe. The Ghosts are latest....reincarnation...

    Trademe has a page of their more ... interesting auctions

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Hard News: Ready for the Big One?,

    And Titanium Oxide works as well

    And Wegelin has done a bit more(2001) and more (2008). Obviously there was a concern about plasticisers leaching but it appears not to be any more than 'normal' bottled water.

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Hard News: Ready for the Big One?,

    As mentioned in WIKI it has been under investigation for a few years. It does appear to work. And the beauty of it is that it is so simple. I am aware of some cunning sod putting a form of activated carbon (charcoal) on a filter substrate that is inserted into the bottle. The sunlight acts on the carbon and splits organics a lot faster than heat only. Others have put a colour activated paint on the bottle to indicate when the temp has got hot enough for strerilisation.

    The link to the Swiss research (Wegelin) is here:

    The bottle will get hotter if a sheet of plastic is put over it with a small air gap between the sheet and the bottle that insulates it. But I suspect with a black sheet of paper on the back half of the bottle and a bit of foam behind the paper the temperature should cruise on up PDQ - Give me sun lots of sun but!!

    Keep the idea in mind when the dunny water runs out!!!!

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Somebody Had To Say This....,

    Sean Fitzpatrick is one of our national heroes?

    Well, could be but he was number 2. Thats the number the hooker uses. Some countries call that position The Rake. But that too has other ...ahem..meanings.

    Lots of guys over there called Randy. That's a good one too.

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Somebody Had To Say This....,

    By the way what's a TTY

    A whippersnapper eh?


    A TTY is short for Teletype.

    Chug chug chug doog doog*

    Now all you folk complaining about not getting your full 10 MBytes of Broadband should now sit up and listen.

    When I was younger, there was a time when all you did with a phone line was talk and if you were a flash buznuss, you had a telex. These things worked at 110 baud. That is 110 BITS per second. The odd order of mag less than wot you got now.

    TTYs were able to keep up with that rate. Each letter came out on the continuous paper roll at about 2 or 3 characters per second.

    Thus endeth the history lesson.

    * type a letter, type a letter, type a letter, carriage return, line feed.

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Hard News: Ready for the Big One?,

    Now listen all you no-hopers. On the days when you said "Not today thank you" to the two (always two) young lads (always lads) on bikes who came to your door to tell you about Joseph Baby, you missed something.

    Arise my fellow athiests! Pack your house with grub! Don't let the last ones standing be a bunch of tablet worshipping, bigamist geneologists!

    Being a good Wellingtonian, I sighed a sigh of relief the other week when a GNSer told us that the timeline to the next Wgtn BIGGIE is now a wee bit further into the distance. But I do have our frozen water in the bottom of the freezer. (Good to drink when it melts but even better, it will keep the freezer frozen for longer). I have my box of Watties spag cans. Bags of pasta and the BBQ now has a BIG LNG bottle. The kids (grown up now but) knew that if contact was lost we would try and make our way home. Walk if we had too.

    But the point is, we discussed it amongst ourselves and I think that is worth 5 of the 3 days minimum they all tell us we have to tide outselves over.

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Somebody Had To Say This....,

    Oh,,,and don't mention you play the position in Rugby known as ....hooker.

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

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