Posts by Ross Mason

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  • Field Theory: Though I never liked how…,

    Oh..and then in 1970 Brian Williams got to be one of the "honorary whites".....

    But at least, to their credit, in 1967 the NZRFU "asked" if Maori could come along but they were rebuffed.....


    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Though I never liked how…,

    Or we could go for the jugular and remind the RFC how far they have come in 20 years

    Short clip here: My old mans an all black

    I found a lyric page and a potted history. But not the full song. Anyone??

    Was surprised to see where it was recorded (my old home town). The bit at the bottom about rugby rewriting the song a wee bit is akin to Footrot not being endorsed by Gary Ball.

    The "Cravin" punchline was reference to Danie Craven, a Springbok of years ago and around the period of the song he was the voice of Springbok rugby. The devil incarnate to the protestors of the time. "Blicks not wilcum".

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Hard News: Experiment have seen collisions!!!!!!!!!!!,

    I was once described in Felicity Ferret dropper.

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Hard News: Experiment have seen collisions!!!!!!!!!!!,

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Hard News: Experiment have seen collisions!!!!!!!!!!!,

    Seriously though:

    It seems fitting that CERN, where the World Wide Web was germinated, should deliver witness to the greatest moment of its history via that same web. That in a quiet house on the far side of the globe, I was able to watch a new era in physics begin.

    I concur Russell. What value could you now put on that piece of personal "skunk work" that took place in CERN all those years ago? What use was it to be able to send a bit of ASCII to someone somewhere else for - horrors of horrors - FREE. I remember when there were a few geeks - and physicists - walking around here and putting the IP number on their business cards and that FREE question coming up frequently. The bureaucracy could not abide that folk were able to bypass the "normal" communication method of LETTER typed by the typing pool. Even worse, no record could be kept of the communication!! One might say that THAT is an issue even today where a formal letter got interpreted "normally" whereas poor of Peter Sharples gets screwed because he writ what he thought.

    But getting back to the Cost of LHCs. A mere puddle in the bucket the Internet brung to the world surely.

    We wait for the next piece of skunk to emerge that influences on such a monumental scale.

    Cheap at a hundred times the price. And note that well John Key!

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Hard News: Experiment have seen collisions!!!!!!!!!!!,

    Maybe it is (was) Shrodingers Cake:

    Not eaten? Eaten?

    If it fell of the table would it land icing side up?

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Hard News: Experiment have seen collisions!!!!!!!!!!!,

    What will the Red Cross or Amnesty International do with a whole pile of Higgs' Bosons?

    If the whole thing blows up might have to turn the Big Hose On.

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Hard News: Experiment have seen collisions!!!!!!!!!!!,

    ...and I presume you mean QCD?

    BANG on Duckie. Quark Quark!

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Hard News: Experiment have seen collisions!!!!!!!!!!!,

    and some of those on screen appeared to have got dressed in the dark.

    Now Russell. I have a bone to pick. Bloody typical media geek stereotyping the physicists of the world. Some of my best friends I work alongside down here get dressed in the dark everyday! And I find nothing wrong with getting dressed in the dark as well. Granted, it is worse in the winter. That is why I only have matching tops and bottoms in the pile beside the bed so that at least I can be sure what ever gets picked and overserted on the body is 'acceptable" to my fellow physicists. Sometimes the washing gets mixed up and the odd day turns out to be...well...odd looking. But it's the science, the science my friend! THAT is what it is all about. Who gives a shit about the tee shirt!

    CERN is right into colour these days and are sucking up with the media with their charm offence in a big way. Things are on the up! They are getting down to it. 2/3rds of everything they make will be going to charity.

    Even Sheldon is excited!

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Dear Gerry,

    Heard of lawn that wasn't lush and green.... at least when watered?


    The effing theme has kept runing through my effing brain for the last 24 hours!!!! F&%k!

    dum didi dum didi dum idid dum Bonannzaaa

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

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