Posts by Leigh Russell

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  • Capture: Ans Westra - Ngā Tau ki Muri…,


    Look at this scrumptious apple - it's one of my favourite images. I picked it from the neglected tree of a former neighbour. It was as good as it looked!

    Otago • Since Jul 2010 • 208 posts Report

  • Capture: Ans Westra - Ngā Tau ki Muri…,

    Hi Chris and Islander, nice to have some company here. Chris, I totally understand about the overwhelm. Islander, like you I see individual responsibility as being a large part of the solution to the problem.

    I have begun a long project to gradually rid my household of plastic objects, starting with the dreaded plastic bags. I've written a number of articles about this and plan more. It's a far more arduous undertaking than I had any idea of. I plan to eventually discard even my favourite recycled plastic containers which I mention here

    In the meantime I will add some photos about what I call tree carnage and some thoughts about valuing rather than destroying these very special members of our communities. Yes, to me trees are like people...

    Otago • Since Jul 2010 • 208 posts Report

  • Capture: Ans Westra - Ngā Tau ki Muri…,


    I'm disappointed that this thread has not been taken up by other contributors as Ans book highlights such important subjects - as I understand it, our relationship with this beautiful land, and our plans for the future. Oh well, I'm going to go ahead and add some more photos of my own anyway since I feel so strongly about it.

    In my opinion polystyrene should be phased out starting immediately: it never breaks down - just progressively disintegrates as anyone will find who tries to pick it up from where it has been left lying out in the wild... The Midway Island trailer linked to above illustrates just how deadly minute pieces of plastic can be. Yes I did pick this up, and yes it did disintegrate as I did did so.

    Otago • Since Jul 2010 • 208 posts Report

  • Capture: Autumn lite, in reply to Nora Leggs,

    How long is Autumn?

    Hi Nora, nice trees - flowering cherries? Officially Winter begins on the 1st of June. I live fairly close to the beach, and on that date I was mildly surprised to see groups of wet, near-naked togged and toweled young people making their way back from their first-day-of-winter swims! Hardy types or just the carefree nature of youth? The latter I think. Sorry no pix as I didn't think of it at the time.

    Otago • Since Jul 2010 • 208 posts Report

  • Capture: Autumn lite, in reply to Jos,

    Jos, these photos are magical!!!

    Otago • Since Jul 2010 • 208 posts Report

  • Capture: Autumn lite, in reply to Nora Leggs,


    Otago • Since Jul 2010 • 208 posts Report

  • Capture: Autumn lite, in reply to Nora Leggs,

    welcome back Leigh!

    Thank you Nora, and these images are wonderfully full of life and light, especially the poppy!

    Otago • Since Jul 2010 • 208 posts Report

  • Capture: Autumn lite, in reply to Ian Dalziel,

    eye viz

    Road works are emblematic…
    …orange road cones

    Iconical one might almost say,

    Hello Ian, very cute! Road cones are certainly Hi-conical! :-)

    Otago • Since Jul 2010 • 208 posts Report

  • Capture: Autumn lite,


    What an amazing collection of images – glorious!!! Congratulations you lot – what a joy and I’ve been missing it!

    Here is a late-coming image of mine from when I was in Christchurch a week or so ago – so still Autumn in the strictest sense. Road works are emblematic of what is going on there at present: where ever you are they are there and many others loom up everywhere to trap and toy with the sensibilities and sense of direction of the unsuspecting traveler. Gangs are working eleven hour days if the sign displayed by this lot is anything to go by: starting early in the morning and finishing under spot lights well after dark. The noise and vibration made by this one just outside where I was staying was bone-shaking. We had an aftershock while I was there – a mere 3.8, but it made things rattle. It was nothing to the road works. Has to be done though, so GOOD. Ah yes, and it snowed! I really knew I was alive that week!

    Afterthought - orange road cones and hi-viz vests to match the colour of the season...

    Otago • Since Jul 2010 • 208 posts Report

  • Capture: Ans Westra - Ngā Tau ki Muri…,


    I also have to post this photo. See if you can spot what is wrong in it. Fortunately I knew that duck well enough to catch it, pick it up and cut the damn thing off its neck. These plastic rings are a terrible hazard to wildlife. I have seen two other ducks who unfortunately I had no way of helping, with these wedged with one side in the back of their mouths and the other behind the back of their heads - utterly impossible for them to dislodge themselves. Ever since then I have been picking these things up where ever I find or come across them and cutting them open. Those innocuous looking plastic rings which fasten a six pack of beer together are also deadly. Cut them open before putting them in the rubbish. I've seen footage of sea life fatally entangled in these things. Plastic kills.

    Otago • Since Jul 2010 • 208 posts Report

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