Posts by BenWilson
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I actually only got the ability to close a thread with the recent upgrade -- it's amazing we've got this far without really desperately needing it.
I guess you've had the ability to delete accounts forever, though? That fist in the glove has been enough, along with warnings, to do what DPF has never managed to achieve with every funky technology that he has tried to throw at the problem.
Shows me one of the things I struggle to convey to management all the time - sometimes it's better to have fewer features, and just teach users to use them properly.
Looks like it's not a tease
Cheeky bastards.
I'm not, because policy is joined up and interlinked.
I'm not because two dimensions is definitely better than one, but no substitute for the enormous number possible. The political compass seems to me only useful in showing plainly that one dimension is not enough.
It seems to me that the choices we make about the dimensions convey a lot about the assumptions made by the pollsters. To join the numbers from 2 separate questions, so that they contribute to a position along an axis is say that the questions resemble each other in some way. This is a choice made by the polling method, not by the person being polled.
This graphing method seems to be very popular with ACToids, because it seems to place them in a position that controls a great deal of the graph. But that's just because the graph chooses to plot the dimensions in which they deviate the most from the others. If the graph had a Green dimension, then the Green party would clearly be on the very edge of it somewhere, and everyone else would seem to be tightly grouped. If it had an immigration dimension, NZ First would not appear near the middle.
"There's games beyond the fucking game." - Stringer Bell
Yes, marriage is beyond it, for some.
I'm not going to be comfortable being offline and travelling and not able to keep an eye on it.
Can you temporarily close it? Or turn full moderation on? Interested in the options available, I know this site is custom , baby.
Maybe it's just a tease but I'm smiling
Considering there's nothing charitable about their views I'm pretty sure it's a tease.
LOL Stephen, I especially like the 'faster than freefall' error. I hadn't heard that they referred to "pyroclastic clouds" either, if I'd been in any presentation and heard that I'd wouldn't have been able to avoid bursting out in laughter. It's a nicely evocative image of ridiculous hyperbole.
It's easy to mistake not telling x with telling not x . I'm not telling that to a judge - they'll tell me I'm not a judge.
Well, it started as a little post saying "Hey! We're discussing name suppression on Media7 this week!" ...
I guess you're testing now in a slightly safer environment what you can get away with on TV? If you get a call from a judge, then you know to pull back from that on the box?
No worries. Looking at where some of those suggested searches led, I might have been a little too cautious anyway.
Shhh! Now you're telling people where not to get their information. Don't be clever.
Soz Russ. Gotta say, this is a stink subject to not-discuss. Why'd you bring it up in the first place?
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