Posts by Danielle
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Cracker: On the trail, pt 1., in reply to
Why, argue on the internet, of course! :)
(In all seriousness, if I couldn't afford to travel much, I'd probably spend a lot of time catching up on every single great film of the twentieth century. Paddle about on some local beaches. Hang out with some peeps, both related and unrelated. Cook nice things. Try to remember how to read novels. You know, inexpensive bourgie behaviour.)
Cracker: On the trail, pt 1., in reply to
The curse of the long-time contributor: I think I'm also responding to previous things Ben has said along these lines, so I may be ascribing an opinion to him which he hasn't actually expressed in his most recent post. Sorry Ben.
Cracker: On the trail, pt 1., in reply to
Instead, the old should be slowly changing their responsibilities
What about if you'd like your 'responsibilities' when you retire to be sweet FA? I find this new obsession we seem to have with older people continuing to 'contribute economically' pretty creepy myself. There's a big difference between being socially valued (which older people could do with more of, no question) and being 'encouraged' to stay in the paid workforce. (I come at this from a diametrically opposed place to you, Ben: I have almost no desire to continue working into my seventies. Fuck that. I'll be old. I could be doing something fun instead.)
Cracker: On the trail, pt 1., in reply to
Other questions: why does the pregnancy officially start before you even knocked boots?; why do people always say nine months when it's really closer to ten?; why do other parental people feel compelled to gather around you and direly warn you of things like a lot of horrible vultures?; etcetera.
Cracker: On the trail, pt 1., in reply to
baby is DUE on Wednesday, but when s/he decides to turn up is anyone’s guess
And oh yeah: first babies average eight days overdue, I read somewhere? (That was such a helpful statistic for those two Pixies shows in 2010...)
I'm... actually with Craig on this issue. (WTF? :) ) It would be nice to address life expectancy inequalities before we start faffing about with the retirement age.
On the other hand:
a nice round wine
What sort of madness is that? Super Wine forever!
Hard News: We interrupt this broadcast ..., in reply to
the red background, faux-stencil typeface and ALL CAPS combine to make them look a little… how do I put this… hammer-and-sickle?
I'm actually finding all this red warmth and looming smiling on Labour billboards a little... sexytime. Carmel Sepuloni's in particular (I see it a lot, because I'm in that electorate) is making me feel all 'how YOU doing?' Which I suppose might be a useful response to Paula Bennett's cold blue qualities.
Hard News: Occupy: Don't call it a protest, in reply to
If you believe that AUT’s a university.
It's such a university that it has 'university' in its name twice. Auckland University of Technology University. There is nothing about that name which even slightly smacks of protesting too much. No, not a skerrick.
OnPoint: PREFU 2011: "What credit downgrade?", in reply to
I think the 'communion' aspects and the 'searching for friendship' aspects are two different types of interaction. The first can lead to the second, but mostly doesn't. I generally assume that the chance of finding peeps on my, uh, 'wavelength' </hippy> is vanishingly small, but the 'hey, here we are being human together' thing is perfectly OK too. I don't find it difficult to talk to people (although they might find me a bit of a Babbling Weirdo, but that's been an issue of mine since childhood).
That being said, I fucking hate the hairdresser and have cut my own hair for years to avoid it. There's something about being trapped in one spot, staring at your own squashed, pale face, while people hover about your person, concentrating oddly on one part of you... combining that WITH small talk is just unbearable. What a waste of an hour. Now, pedicures: *those* I can get behind. Massage chair, pretty coloured toenails, and no one says a word apart from 'twenty dollars please'.