Posts by BenWilson
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It's only my opinion. I tend to give extra points for the other human being - being kinky with oneself maxes out at 50% kinky.
It just strikes me that the fact they're showing it to us in such a piecemeal way suggests that there's more yet to see.
Perhaps he pulled the gun before she bashed/stabbed him. Then self-defense?
Well it's possible that the order in which she remembers things is wrong, and Gerard pulled his gun before she bashed and stabbed him. Then the stabbing could easily be seen as self-defense. Or at least it's possible things could be argued that way by a good lawyer.
But I think more likely is that Craig's intuition is on the right track, that Cheryl will go down, and the family will step up/down according to their natures. Who will the family rally on?
I think I do get the pony for the rudest sex pick. Surely cunnilingus trumps phone sex, straight missionary, and blow-up doll. Location wrong, and the anger hadn't built up yet, but some points for getting the right people.
The Peters are going straight -- and this time, Loretta is going to get it right.
I'm astonished by your sentimentality, Craig. That's an ending I'd never have picked. Now, down to business. MySky half loaded, bottle half drained, couch laid out...see yous in the morning. One A-von-da-lay Westie signing in for a night of ....
Damian, I'm just uncomfortable with condemning someone as unfit for public office for crimes committed by people like them. I basically hold a 'presumption of innocence' line about things like that. It's highly likely IF these things happened that you rate as near certain, that they will actually come out, and then I'll happily agree with you that he's less fit for office than some other candidates.
And I take your point that believing him to be less desirable on account of hearsay of his being an arrogant wanker is just another form of generalization. He could be a reformed ex-wanker, and there's a strong argument that being an arrogant wanker is an excellent qualification for public office too.
the kinkiest thing they could do with Loretta is turn her into her mother, in a good way.
I'm trying to see the kink. Judd? Crikey.
Damian, that's a lot of assumptions to swallow on no evidence pertaining to the actual individual.
They're also probably true. In just the same way a lot of profiling usually is. Maori are more likely to commit crimes, for instance. Should that really stand against them as candidates? I know it does, but I don't think it's really right that it does.
Anyone care to take bets on the rudest scene? Who with who, and doing what?
My money's on Loretta, and Hayden "Bloody" Peters. Angry and rough, somewhere highly uncomfortable (perhaps in a Mini).
Inhaling it is the dopamine-rat part -- a hit so big and rich that the urge to do it again, then again, is irresistible for some people.
Indeed. It's why most people smoke pot rather than eat it, too. The difference is that they're likely to sleep more.
Just as well alcohol isn't inhaled. There would be a lot more dead people.
This of course is not my sole voting criteria - "policy" is also useful, but having had a P habit in what can only have been the reasonably recent past is an automatic exclusion from receiving my vote.
I would not ignore it, but there's no way I would ever let an issue of character that did not manifest in any known problems (like violent outbursts or insane behavior) take precedence over policy. If his recent performance in tasks relevant to the management of the city were good, then it would seem that any personal habit of his was under control and it's possible that "having problems with it" could be as simple as he didn't like how much it was costing his personal finances, or maybe it was causing erectile dysfunction. I don't really care. Well, alright, I'm rather interested, in fact, but as I say, I make a conscious choice not to let something like that influence my evaluation of him as a mayoral candidate. As it happens I don't really think much of him on that score, he doesn't seem to have any ideas. Also, my memory of opinions on him inter-personally from people I trusted (many years back) was that he was an arrogant wanker. That is something I'd rather not have in my mayor again.
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