Posts by BenWilson
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Regarding the salt/sugar/water solution I can attest to that - I used that over the last 3 weeks extensively as gastro went right through the entire family. It was pretty much the only thing I could handle on one of the days - water isn't quite as good if you already have a horrid taste in your mouth, and the salt really does make it absorb faster. Coincidentally, the salt actually tastes good when you're dehydrated.
It's also quite a good sports drink, it's not practically much different to the ones you buy at about 1/30th of the cost. Useful if you're working hard repairing your house or something.
Scary thing, I didn't know anything at all about any of it until Saturday night. I'd have expected someone to have mentioned it to me. It was actually quite difficult to form a picture of what had happened for quite a while, everything was just isolated bits of information. In the end I had to go to foreign papers to get the overview.
I expect there is pretty much nothing in Spartacus that would be considered 'acceptable' in terms of modeling behavior. But at least they weren't smoking.
I understand that censorship around rape depictions is more nuanced too. You aren't allowed to depict it such that the women appears to be enjoying it, if there's any clear intimation that it is an actual rape rather than, say, a strange fantasy that consenting adults are getting into. Not allowed under any rating, along with a few other sex acts. Fairly sure scat and golden showers aren't allowed in NZ technically either, even though they are things that people are allowed to do if it's their bag to each other.
Just thinking today on smoking: I bet there's a lot of fags lighting up in Christchurch. There are times when it is an actual good, if it helps shattered nerves. I believe soldiers in WW2 had this attitude - there was a good chance they were going to die anyway, and anything that helped them get through the next 5 years was good.
Having said that, my Grandad took up smoking during the war and died of lung cancer at 60, and her wife smoked all during the same period, and is alive and well at 85. Weeeell, when I say well, she is actually very unwell, but probably not going to die in the next few weeks. If her lungs were better her quality of life might be a lot better - these days she can walk about 50 meters before she gets puffed.
superior snide person
Come, come, Islander. This has been civilized all round. This snide field is nine miles wide, you have to search hard for a peck of snide.
All this talk of smoking has caused me to roll up and check my lighter fluid. 'evening all!
Re: Peter Ashby. I think he genuinely was trying to help, and his crimes were fairly minor. But his punishment was too, merely a number of people telling him to change the tune. If he brings a new tune I really do want to hear from him and did actually find what he was saying about exercise to be spot on for me. But he did need for people to hear that he was shitting them off, and if he did actually not care about that as much as he seemed to make out, then he'd still be here merrily cohabiting and shitting people off. So I hold hopes we'll see him again, after he's cranked out a few thousand kms, a few dozen heartbeats, and found a more diplomatic voice.
When I smoked in Oz we had a little old building caretaker Nazi who seemed to take especial pleasure in ordering us not to stand within the eaves of the building when we smoked. If it was raining, we were meant to get wet, that was his rules. Indeed it was mostly when it was raining that he would come to check, because generally everyone complied with his arse-hattery the rest of the time.
Then one day I was walking down a back alley on the way home, and I rounded a corner and came across the guy standing in the eaves of a restaurant chugging down a fag like it was life support. "HAH! BUSTED" I yelled at him and he went scarlet with an sly embarrassed smile.
He never hassled me again.
Yes, but if we start watching it now, we'll have missed all the cool stuff in between. We need to catch up on the other seasons first.
If you do get it out, be warned, the rude sex in it can actually spread beyond the screen.
Yup, that's why I think harm should certainly be viewed more rationally, but that it's not the only factor. There is also the question of the basic human right for adults to harm themselves. I've always seen the Harm Principle as a heuristic, and as with all heuristics, ends up seeing the heuristic as the end-in-itself. But that was not the idea behind Utilitarianism at all, it was meant to balance harms and benefits, and the benefit of "having a good time" is actually really, really important IMHO. Indeed, most people live entirely for those times, everything else is just drudgery.
Cheers dc_red, I'll actually bow on LSD, I'm only making my choice to 'leave it to later' because it's not such a widely used drug and therefore a much harder sell on evidence.
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