Posts by JacksonP

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  • Capture: Spring Breaks,

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    The location for the blog, Eden gardens.

    Inspire-all carpet.

    Auckland • Since Mar 2011 • 2450 posts Report

  • Capture: Spring Breaks, in reply to ChrisW,

    Attachment Attachment

    Seems like there might have been a few spring showers in Auckland?

    Was pretty constant all morning, and still a bit wet out there.

    Couple more from the crop.

    Blossom tree, full of tui.

    Twisted tui.

    Auckland • Since Mar 2011 • 2450 posts Report

  • Capture: Upside Down, Inside Out, in reply to Jos,

    I vote for a ‘spring sprung’ thread! It’s all go around here.

    Alright, already, I get the message...

    Here it is. Spring Breaks. ;-)

    Auckland • Since Mar 2011 • 2450 posts Report

  • Hard News: Market Wisdom,

    Hey! Nice photo post Russell.

    Busy day for photos on Public Address, as it turns out. :-)

    Auckland • Since Mar 2011 • 2450 posts Report

  • Southerly: My Life As a Palm Tree, in reply to Hilary Stace,

    I recommend the little NZ movie Kiwi Flyer.

    You've just reminded me of Kiwi Ranch, near Hell's Gate outside Rotorua.

    They had some of the most hair-raising activities a parent of three children, now of a similar age, can imagine. The Magic carpet was literally a Persian rug towed behind an old fire truck??, around rolling hills with squealing pre-teens falling off left and right, at speeds that seemed to be well beyond the recommended velocity for small humans hitting hard dirt.

    And the luge that ended with you flying off the end of a metal track, holding onto a metal trolley, into 4-6 feet of lake water. In case you thought I was dreaming, said luge is at 6.27 in this video. Didn't seem all that risky at the time, but with that and the flying fox, it was pretty loose when it came to health and safety.

    Auckland • Since Mar 2011 • 2450 posts Report

  • Southerly: My Life As a Palm Tree, in reply to Ross Mason,

    Two ends missing.

    Ouch. Since we're making each other squeamish, one of the in stitches incidence involved working on my BMX bike in bare feet. Stood on the each of the open metal toolbox, resulting in a semi-detached big toe.

    What a tool.

    Auckland • Since Mar 2011 • 2450 posts Report

  • Capture: Two Tales of a City,

    Great to see the Cardboard Cathedral photos Gudrun, even if I'm a bit slow on the uptake.

    Is the rain damage a concern? I'm sure one or two wouldn't be a worry, but a cardboard building not being water tight might be considered, um, problematic?

    Auckland • Since Mar 2011 • 2450 posts Report

  • Southerly: My Life As a Palm Tree, in reply to Russell Brown,

    I mostly grew up in the northwestern suburbs of Christchurch, where there were plenty of undeveloped sections on which to get up to mischief

    Similarly, we had free rein over the bush, cliffs and waterfalls around Whakatane’s Hillcrest suburb. I recall from the age of 8-9 we only really went home for food and sleep, and every other hour was spent with pocket knives and skateboards building huts in the bush, or racing headlong down the hill into traffic. A favourite was on an admittedly quiet road, where after building up a decent head of speed, we’d be given the all clear to cross a road and launch ourselves into a pond. Good times.

    I also had friends whose families hunted, who had access to rifles from what now seems a ridiculously young age (13-14). We would go off into the bush for possums, where we also had traps set, and bring them home to skin them. We did quite well out of those skins.

    I do have 50+ stitches in my leg to show for all this freedom, however.

    On the fireworks, we had an aunt who seemed to have an inexhaustible supply of thunderbolts. Nothing we made came close to that.

    Auckland • Since Mar 2011 • 2450 posts Report

  • Capture: Upside Down, Inside Out,


    Britomart, after dropping in on Russell DJing at Racket bar.

    Great shots all. I'm sorry, I've been a bit slack lately.

    Time for some spring gleaning.

    Auckland • Since Mar 2011 • 2450 posts Report

  • Speaker: The Mirror of Our Selves,

    This looks equally as desirable as the first. I'd particularly like Bernard Roundhill’s Auckland 2000 framed and on my wall. Amazing image.

    Great work again Peter and Gary. Look forward to getting my hands on one.

    Auckland • Since Mar 2011 • 2450 posts Report

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