Posts by Islander
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George, nearly 50% of Te Tai Toka didnt vote - including a helluva lot of my olds & rellies
=didnt make herself exactly wellknown round the rohe.
And the fact she *wasnt* wellknown round the rohe speaks for itself.I wont go into 'slanted her heritage' but it is known.
She got elected. In my opinion. by default, because Okeroa was a disasterously lowkey (read, lazy & incompetent) sitting MP who didnt compaign at all.
Yeah -'the newest recruit.'
Didnt make herself exactly wellknown round the rohe.
Has slanted her heritage.
Isnt welcome. -
O brillant Joe!
Sorry Mark, but I have a thing about big heavy horses at full gallop-they literally do shake the earth. And then fart, sweat very heavily and haw for quite a while afterwards-incidentally, I've ridden a horse twice in my life (a big old draft mare at Motueka, long ago, tobacco-picking, and an ex-trotter led by an experienced person...)so I dont have a general thing about horses - it
just brings to life, thankfully momentarily, a lot of ancient battles-and whee! You can see the iron adze marks on all those 'natural' formations! (if you squint-)
Yep, mutated Clydesdale with hooves the size of ashets...
Shep,as you know the 'Inca Wall' was a Kaimanawa ignimbrite dyke and another of Barry B's little fantasies. Y'see, the Ancient Nation of Waitaha. although originating in the Pleiades, came here via South America...only corrupt arcaheologists abetted by those self-interested latecomers the Maori have destroyed or perverted all the evidence. Much like the corrupt & self-interested scientists who present evidence for anthropogenic global warming...
O shit, the Kenny thing- we really hoped that wouldnt get out
(BTW Kenny's blond, at least in BLU he is- the gingas are all those celtic patupaiarehe etc.. O, and my mother,sister, nephew, et al- o double shit, we're exposed as the ones who not only ate everybody else but *are* everybody else...curls up & crosseyedly dies-) -
Trying so hard not to be strabismustic (quiet sob) when looking at things erm straitly...
O you are so wrong Dyan, Caleb et al! Muriel & the Chinese? (Actually it was Gavin Menzies)ptui! The Moriori - well, everyone knows we wicked Maori ate them out of house & home. The Celts? O dear - Martin Doutre has *such* a lot of information/proof but he's been gazumped by
a)Ross Wiseman and his case for the Phoenecians (one of my family took the trouble while living on Great Barrier Island to go check out Ross's proofs - oh! Oh! It's all real! He not only found the Phoenecians riiding the moas ptroglyphs but also - new!- the UFOs that brought both Phoenecians AND moa to Aotearoa! He sent me the piccies! I've seen them (you have to squint a bit.))
b)The "Ancient Nation of Waitaha" manufacturary set up by good old Barry Brailsford - that lot apparently arrived *even before the Phoenecians*!
We wicked -specifically Kai Tahu - Maori ate them too. Apparently. Aside from the cuckoos who occaisionaly call in here at Big O. Wait 'til they come forward and testify sisters & brothers, testify! -
Word rulz
u haz my word
(blame my nephew I am a sockpuppet at this moment aaaa -
Yup. Glasses dont necessarily help a lot - but, like his Mum, that doest mean he's disabled. Just, he wont have the same abilities as his sister-
and running into static trees isnt funny.
Running into *moving* trees on the other hand, is-