Posts by Michael Fitzgerald

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  • Hard News: Arrest the bastards at the border,

    Bryan you haven't added to the thread you've just complained, are you a British immigrant?

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Island Life: Are you old enough?,

    I do fear our societies need for the specticle of punishment. We are moving to harsher and longer sentences all the time. Younger prisoners just follows that same trend.

    Men are made more Responsible for their actions but are held less Responsible for their children by the Justice Department.
    And this is liberation? No - this is the cycle continuing.
    We are assuming children are involved here. I think the gender bias is greater than that.

    More info about Pot needs to be out there (he he).
    There hasn't been a mass shooting in NZ without it!
    It wasn't an axe murder it was a Rasta Ritual?

    Yamis -
    I think of the stupid sh!t I did as a youth and the path that it could have led to if caught.

    I don't see prison as an answer to anything but as a last resort, a protection for society. I don't see it as a place for kids or the vast majority of inmate for that matter.

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Island Life: Are you old enough?,

    justice dept report link

    Most serious sentence in 1998
    Men 48629 & Women 9203

    Custodial Sentences
    Men 6481 & Women 507

    Guys get custodial sentences at a 3:1 ratio compared to Gals.

    So Yes Women have Rights but with reduced Responsibilities.

    That said, Sues Bill will help ease Rons Bill through parliment

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Island Life: Are you old enough?,

    Point taken.

    Women do have rights but are not often burdened with the same responsibilities.

    A quick look at sentences for women convicted of violent crimes etc do not often receive anything like the same sentences as men.

    Not to mention female on male violence where gender is considered a factor rather than size 100kgs & 6ft vs 70kgs & 5ft.

    Best comparison may be in female on female violence vs male on male violence in sentences.

    I see Sue Bradfords voting at 16yrs the other side of the coin from Ron Marks Young Offenders (Serious Crimes) Bill to lower the age of criminal responsibility.

    Or at least the left handing over leverage to the right by which to enact it.

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Island Life: Are you old enough?,

    Right & Responsibilities

    If 16yr olds are deemed mature enough to vote, to be considered adult.
    Then what of the flip side, what are the potential down falls?

    If there is a general considered tidal change that 16 is the new 18, an adult with all of the rights and responsibilities that entails comes into being.

    An 18yr old can expect to go into the general prison population from a sentencing judge.
    As an 'adult' why would a wayward 16yr out not expect to go into general prison population?

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Island Life: Are you old enough?,

    I really don't buy the old enough to f#@k = old enough to vote arguement.

    Kids will do around the back of the bike sheds what kids have always done there. To make it a crime is simply unjust.

    As too the logical extention of this suffrage at 16yrs would leave troubled youth in the general prison population.

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Hard News: Arrest the bastards at the border,

    Retrofiting state Houses to improve Energy Efficiency - is a study by The Energy Management Group - at Uni of Otago.

    Cost Benefit is still being done but initial results point to a 2/3rds saving on heating in a fully insultated house in Dunness.

    Fuel Poverty indicates Christchurch having the larget fuel cost & number of fuel poor households.
    Similar numbers as AKL but twice the costs with similar cost to Dunedin who have 1/2 the number of fuel poor households.

    If that's clear as mud.

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Island Life: Are you old enough?,

    Why not follow from our largely Judeo-Christian traditions and institute suffrage at 13 as in the Bar Mitzvah?

    I did most of the really wrong stuff I got up to at 14/15yrs.

    And was buying my own booze (& my mates) at 15yrs even with the law stated it should be 20yrs.

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Island Life: Are you old enough?,

    No-ones arguing about civics which may be the true thrust of what Sue is trying to bring in.

    Voting at 16 is a little of a blindside and a non issue.

    I think The Offspring said it best in "Come out and play"

    You’re under eighteen you won’t be doin’ any time
    Hey! Come out and play!

    That is very much the way I thought until 25yrs old.

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Cooked goose, chicken, etc.,

    Have a wee listen to todays 10am interview with Canty Police Sandra Manderson on Nat Radio.

    She identified only one ethic group for crime - Asian Crime.
    She managed to be pc on many other points but obviously the alo vera only goes so far.

    Although she may go on the beat in Christchurch - she doesn't wear her police number when she does.

    And the real reason she annoyes me - she mumbles and doesn't clearly announciate her words.

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

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