Posts by Michael Fitzgerald

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  • Island Life: Are you old enough?,

    Are the kids up with a little history:

    Meiji Restoration - All the players were under 30yrs ok not kids.
    The thought being they had no vested in the Status Quo (or other geriatric rock bands) and so started a new civilisation from which Japan nearly took 1/2 the world.

    Meiji Rest. is responsible for Japanese Beer - gotta be good.
    And fought against Tom Cruise - righteous.

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Island Life: Are you old enough?,

    The whole liberation and gender bias is meant to be a general discussion. I have no 1st hand experience here just observations of a few facts.

    I was quite sober and still that wasn't coherent. A wee joke on – out there - ok maybe not. All drugs are dangerous but the myths that surround Pot and its real dangers needs to be further publicised to youth. Alcohol affects every aspect of a person, normally over time. Pots impacts are less known but when observed tend to be more server (mental health wise).

    Rights & Responsibilities need to be addressed. 17yr old soldiers don't serve on operations without mums signature, even then by the time they're trained and on their way they're likely to be 18 - legal adult but still a kid. 15yrs for driving shud go up so when they muck up they can be held responsible for it. Intellegence isn't an issue when it comes to the vote. Don't we all lament at election time that the Rational voter doesn't exist - even if 'we' win the question of how did that guy/gal get in? always come up.
    Certainly all the money and effort put into boy racers doesn't stop the majority drink driver = middle aged men.

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Hard News: Arrest the bastards at the border,

    This sounds like a grudge to me:

    "Nothing Michael Fay has done since has given me any cause to remove him from my Personal List Of Bastards."

    I'm not saying I couldn't hold one - just far too much hard work.

    Live long & prosper

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Island Life: Are you old enough?,

    With regard to "First Teen Prez" Anyone can be elected this is not limited by age - only voting is limited.

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Hard News: Arrest the bastards at the border,

    Big Ups to Meridian Energy
    At the Home Show in CHC today the dude selling PV (min $12K to start) said they pay $ for $ for PV energy onto the grid.
    The reason I look to PV is most fires burn free stuff & CHC fires kill 124 people each winter = 1 a day.
    So the resistance to clean energy is primarily cost. All those Heat Pump adds are wrong and most open fires are fuelled for FREE.
    So however cheap this great option of a heatpump is it is still more expensive than Free.
    It its good enough for a bloody game of rugby the Govt can save 124 live in CHC by stumping up with Solar Water Heaters & PV for CHC.

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Hard News: Arrest the bastards at the border,

    F & R are no heros of mine. They're expat yachties for a start.
    F & R are a couple of smarmy gits and as I don't believe in reincarnation so I don't believe in Karma and if you believe in the tooth fairy you might believe in a justice system too.
    As someone closer to 1/2 your age can I suggest you learn to let go.
    I find grudges too much hard work myself and to hold them against the actions of children well....

    Glorious day in CHC today (snow must be on the way) Funny how cardies are coming back in fashion. They must have a zip though no buttons.

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Island Life: Are you old enough?,

    That's easy Jackie.
    From playing dress up to sneaking into pubs it's what kids do.
    They can't be blamed for trying it on, or wanting to vote.
    As GST & youth wages are all taxes the American Revolution "No Taxation without Representaion" has some logic to it.
    Here's a thought youth wages stay but without being taxed.

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Hard News: Arrest the bastards at the border,

    Bryan Dods

    I thought that (page 2 post) was something you made up, a story, not the bitterness of an 8yr old held onto for 50years.

    Spot the oxymoron "His father was a well respected man in Insurance and Michael appeared to enjoy the importance."

    My bias is against 'Salty Dicks' as the Yarpies call them. A foot in each camp and the old fella in the sea (almost sounds like a compliment though).

    Threads twist & turn and it seems dear Craig can take credit for this one. Which I think turned out more dignified than 50 years of envy coming to a crescendo with a sand pit story.

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Hard News: Arrest the bastards at the border,

    Is it True the BullDogs Rugby League Team have been banned from booze & porn?

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Hard News: Arrest the bastards at the border,

    "why was there so much momentum for the politically catastrophic Anti-Smacking Bil"

    Sues anti smaking bill is one whos time had come.
    There is no better demonstration of this than the amazing accord of Green, Labour, National, Untied Future (he he), Maori - have I missed anyone? I mean was there a party against it?
    And this may well save lives and will definately improve lives for families.
    This means it wasn't 'just' a smack. As the rule of thumb has gone so too violence to kiddies needed to.

    "Is it because almost everyone in a quasi-professional job has a second house or is thinking about getting one?"

    Those who know are often paid by those who don't want to know or instruct them to tell them what thay want to know.

    Who is speaking truth to power?

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

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