Posts by Cecelia

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  • Hard News: Miracles just rate better, okay?,

    I've seen some of Breakfast this week and tuned in on Wednesday (?) to hear Paul Henry going on about Justice Potter. Very rudely. He then interviewed Deb Webber, asked her no awkward questions and treated her with respect. What??? One woman makes her decisions based on evidence and the other on the opposite.

    Hibiscus Coast • Since Apr 2008 • 559 posts Report

  • Speaker: How to Look Good as a Nazi,

    We don't like uniforms, clapping in unison or singing our national anthem. We were raised with national shame, not national pride.

    These two sentences would give New Zealand students a great insight into post-war Germany. They just don't get it - history's in the past so they don't see it as real????

    A great post.

    Hibiscus Coast • Since Apr 2008 • 559 posts Report

  • Hard News: A Real Alternative,

    The new Metro has a really interesting article by Sandra Coney - debunking Linda Bryder's book. It makes good sense.

    Hibiscus Coast • Since Apr 2008 • 559 posts Report

  • Hard News: Friday Gold: An email…,

    Thanks Lyndon - good link. He just doesn't get it, does he?

    Hibiscus Coast • Since Apr 2008 • 559 posts Report

  • Hard News: Friday Gold: An email…,

    but if Wanganui is insulted and Laws then returns the insult at, I'm assuming, an Aucklander, how does that play out in Wanganui and anywhere else for that matter, as favorable to the initial insultee?

    Wanganui shouldn't have been insulted, I agree, as I said before: I wish the emailer hadn't done that. However, in the wider context (the Otaki letters) Laws is the one who is coming across as particularly rude and unreasonable.

    The issue of respecting the Maori name is bigger, I think, than just Wanganui. Therefore it affects us all, whatever corner of the country we're from.

    And I did get over Laws' response to me - I just thought it fitted into a pattern and might add to the discussion here. I often email people if I'm interested in an article and I've had angry responses but never rude and personal! I just think he's doing himself a disfavour - and the people he represents AND his radio station.

    Hibiscus Coast • Since Apr 2008 • 559 posts Report

  • Hard News: Friday Gold: An email…,

    Thanks Sacha but I must point out that I emailed him on account of his SST article and used the email address at the bottom thereof. It was his Radio Live email address so I can't really complain - in his capacity as talk back host he's allowed to insult old ladies!!!! I still think it was childish, rude, nasty and unnecessary. It's the measure of the man!

    Hibiscus Coast • Since Apr 2008 • 559 posts Report

  • Hard News: Friday Gold: An email…,

    Calling them ignorant hillbilly hicks was not good but, well Laws started it by being abusive in his first response. If he had responded sensibly the first time they could have had a discussion.

    I live in a similar provincial town (WE have an H) and I would think it appalling if we were labelled hillbillies. However, I'd be even angrier to have someone like Laws representing me. There must be lots of Wanganui people cringing.

    I've followed Laws' career over the years (you can't help it - he loves the limelight) and I think we are witnessing the decline and fall of this man. He wasn't always like this. I wonder if being a shock jock and a media celebrity corrupts the souls of some people ...

    I rant - must go write those reports!

    Hibiscus Coast • Since Apr 2008 • 559 posts Report

  • Hard News: Friday Gold: An email…,

    Just read the Herald on Sunday account and Laws has turned the whole exchange into a positive. It will play even better in Wanganui. Own goal, Russell.

    Where does he turn it to his advantage? By saying he was sick of non-residents expressing their opinion?

    And for what it's worth I emailed Laws a week ago because of his SST article - I tried to be rational but I'm not the best of writers - anyway I got back the rudest response I've ever received - might not sound bad to you but ... It was "Bye bye crazy lady"

    Hibiscus Coast • Since Apr 2008 • 559 posts Report

  • Hard News: Friday Gold: An email…,

    A more restrained article from Laws - just the normal beneficiary bashing and no mention of himself. BUT I can't help thinking there's a sub-text - it was the parents wot did it - they made the "kiddies" challenge my authoritai.

    Also: Herald - the email exchange.

    Hibiscus Coast • Since Apr 2008 • 559 posts Report

  • Hard News: Friday Gold: An email…,

    Shelfari - good reminder. Conservatism - I'm always surprised at how conservative secondary school students are. That's a shocking generalisation but at a recent Rotary speech comp all four finalists, when given the smacking issue as their impromptu topic, spoke in favour of smacking. When I asked my school's rep why he was more conservative than me, he said "That's because you're a baby boomer!"

    Hibiscus Coast • Since Apr 2008 • 559 posts Report

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