Posts by Just thinking

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  • Hard News: Still not all that Super?,

    Can anyone cut & paste The Press Perspective from today, on Ecan?

    It has the brilliant line on the Henry VIII clause. Which means any unhelpful LAW from the RMA can be dispensed with, as unhelpful wives were by Henry VIII previously.

    Trusts are used to obsfuscate lines of Democracy and Responsibility, at least here in Christchurch.

    Of course each new business/trust requires directors and directors fees!

    This house of cards built on Trusts is going to come crashing down, and I hope soon. A Trust needs to be a Trust not a front to hide: responsibility, money, debt etc.

    Putaringamotu • Since Apr 2009 • 1158 posts Report

  • Southerly: The Burglar Files,

    Good on you David & congrads on the job.
    The thought of UC actually employing did stun me a little.
    All I'm hearing is the cull of staff & Carrs targeting of Librarians. I had the joke, "How hard is the Dewy Decimal System?"
    But, hearing he sees no need for Librarians to have a degree, makes him a Troglodyte in my eyes.
    I also believe two Masters Degrees means you failed a PhD.
    That could of course be a little bitterness on my behalf about my own PostGrad study.

    Putaringamotu • Since Apr 2009 • 1158 posts Report

  • Hard News: What we have really lost,

    Garth, are you talking about Tuhoe or the leaky Homes deal?

    Obviously ACT would be infavour of market forces/failures sorting out leaky homes.

    But seriously, when white guys can bring shot guns and batons upon innocent Maori youth and not get a conviction at all. Things haven't changed at all in 170yrs.

    Putaringamotu • Since Apr 2009 • 1158 posts Report

  • 2010: The Cultural YTD,

    Kate Sheppards house in Clyde Road, is almost wonderful, untill you see the 1980s alterations. This is a real problem for Heritage Conservation. Best if it were restored to its original condition.
    "That risk of creating mini-museums".I believe is an antiintellectual statement.
    It is ironic that both demolition and preservation both come from neglect. Lyttleton and the Odeon demonstrate this point clearly. One working class and too poor to develop, now protected and a major museum if you will. The second was too pricey to properly preserve and will soon fall.
    Sunnyside was interesting and I think in no small part its owner TRONT brought out a little local racism. It was a south facing building, with the architecture of Colditz & the social history of Auschwitz. There was no plan (fesible or otherwise) for the building to be used and given any life.
    Duff NZHPT, has spent his professional career in the desert of Arabias fascist states & that is telling with his total acquiescence to authority , and quite againt the Trusts Charter.

    Putaringamotu • Since Apr 2009 • 1158 posts Report

  • 2010: The Cultural YTD,

    Your saying Jessica doesn't have a PhD or you wrote an indepth analysis?

    Putaringamotu • Since Apr 2009 • 1158 posts Report

  • 2010: The Cultural YTD,

    The CYTD (pronounced KYD with a silent t) has been a hard battle for the Heritage crews in Christchurch & not a total victory over the Arts Centre.

    For me it started about 8months ago with being sworn to secrecy, which was broken by the would be developers without agreement or advice.

    Todays puff piece by Philip Matthews in the Weekend Press,
    takes up no less than 3 pages, but exposes nothing of interest or value.

    He celebrates position over qualifications and expertise. That is an Ass Prof with an intrest in but no expertise of Heritage or local Councillors have titles but resident Heritage expert Jessica Halliday doesn't get credit for her PhD and therefore devalues her research on the Dorset Flats.

    He misses the point that Malcolm Duff of the Historic Places Trust was in favour of the development. And the CCC were advised by the Urban Design Panel made up of city contractors.

    Of course there's a book in this and I've got a working title.

    The far right of course are still in ascendancy with the fascist takeover of Ecan. I not name calling here, what else is this system of regional government if not fascist?

    One cultural victory for the Arts Centres owners, the people of New Zealand, and more battles to come over water and to get our democracy reinstated.

    Like a bit of bitter-sweet dark chocolate I suppose. Enjoy the moment but the whole cake of chocolate is a bit overwhelming to face.

    Putaringamotu • Since Apr 2009 • 1158 posts Report

  • Up Front: The Up Front Guide: Dressing…,

    No shirts night reminds me of when I bounced Uni Q at Cloud 9 (UC Student bar). As they say its f*&k or f*&ht on a Friday night. There was no fighting.
    Although the patron who came up to me every half hour to ask where he could have a fag, got old pretty fast (the correct answer was down stairs at Benttleys Bar).

    Putaringamotu • Since Apr 2009 • 1158 posts Report

  • Hard News: Reproduced Without Comment,

    Off Topic

    The Arts Centre Resource Consents to build a Music Skool has been declined.

    Reason given was the bulk and scale (code for ugly). Although I think the two sets of books produced by the Arts Centre Trust, Rod Carrs misleading statement to the Commissioners that they Uni would Build at Ilam if declined consent here (but not for 8yrs as clarified after his evidence) & the little matter of Maurice Dale (CCC Planner) written plan saying the Arts Centre would fall down if building went ahead (he missed out the word NOT). Had a little to do with it too.

    Now off to the Dux to celebrate Mothers Day.

    Putaringamotu • Since Apr 2009 • 1158 posts Report

  • Hunting Fails,

    I believe it was a Kiwi who introduced Cain Toads to the Sugar Plantations of Queensland.

    Putaringamotu • Since Apr 2009 • 1158 posts Report

  • Hard News: Dude, what just happened?,

    CCTV is everywhere in Churchur.
    Smile and know someone watching them, is more bored than you have ever been.

    Putaringamotu • Since Apr 2009 • 1158 posts Report

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