Posts by David Haywood
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I really enjoyed reading this piece, David. Lovely prose! Thank you.
Southerly: Getting There is Half the Fun, in reply to
Just popping in to say how much I've been enjoying reading this thread (on my mobile while waiting for Bob to sleep). Well worth the awfulness of our trip to read other people's even more awful experiences. I feel much better now, and realize that I should simply be giving thanks that we don't have twins.
Paul Campbell wrote:
No matter how crappy I feel I make sure I have a smile, a “good morning”, a little joke
I attempt the same approach at LAX but the DHS officers are a deeply stony-faced group of people. I'd hate to be doing stand-up with them as an audience.
Southerly: Getting There is Half the Fun, in reply to
On the upside, it’s much easier coming back.
I can't tell you how happy I am to hear that... and, by the way, I'm very sorry to trigger your PTSD. I'm thinking maybe a week halfway would help things on your next trip to Finland. Any friends in Canada?
Southerly: Getting There is Half the Fun, in reply to
> I’m not a vegetarian
Huh? When did that change? Was it Bob deciding burnt meat was good?
Just a bit of gentle vegetarian irony. Norway is not good for my people (although it's lovely in almost every other way).
I do have to ask, you and Jen are both intelligent, you've both heard other peoples travel stories, what made you think 55 hours non-stop was feasible?
The nice European university who paid for our tickets made a decision (on our behalf) that it would be fine...
Southerly: Getting There is Half the Fun, in reply to
that was the time we promised to never ever fly Continental
Oh God, I've also enjoyed the pleasures of Continental and made the same vow. It's rumoured that Continental used to send their staff to Aeroflot for customer service training.
Southerly: Getting There is Half the Fun, in reply to
sainthood is yours. Enjoy every sardine
Thanks, Jeffrey!
Indeed all the sardines and herrings you can eat -- and more! I'm just glad that I'm not a vegetarian; I'd be pining for tofu and fresh vegetables by now.
P.S. Funny you should turn up just when I was mentioning a particularly good book that I've just read.
Southerly: Getting There is Half the Fun, in reply to
For which I – yikes – have not till now thanked you.
No worries, I figured (also from your atypical Hard News silence) that something was up. Very much hope you're over the illness & injuries.
Wait until you're fully well to read the book. It's a hell of a story, but needs a strong emotional constitution to tackle (in some parts, at any rate -- other parts are very funny).
Southerly: Getting There is Half the Fun, in reply to
Highly delighted that our suffering has not been in vain, Susan -- and has, in some small way, brought pleasure to others. (Well, one other, at any rate.)
The trip back has a fortnight in the Jennifer's former home of Chicago, so should be much less painless.
I do know of others who have had much worse journeys than us. We have a friend who travelled more-or-less direct from the UK to NZ with a toddler who had ear-ache. Our friend refused to go on a plane for about three years afterwards.
P.S. In case anyone was wondering I also had ear-ache on this trip but was too brave and/or stoic to mention it.
Southerly: Now I Am Permitted, in reply to
Oh, that cartoon is painful. It reminds me of every meeting that I attended at a certain organization.
Southerly: Now I Am Permitted, in reply to
Don’t you mean “going forward,” Ross?
Mea culpa, you are quite right! It should be “going”. Not “moving” as I incorrectly stated in the original post (now fixed). The eagle-eyed Conrad Heine has also pulled me up on this via email.
Oh dear, this really should have been obvious to me. “Moving” implies actual movement. “Going” only implies the intent to move at some point in the future (prior to the eventual heat-death of the Universe), while still allowing for possibility of zero velocity at any time up until then.