Posts by Heather Gaye

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  • Hard News: Deriving satisfaction from…,

    It wasn't my point though, which was more that the values we tend to automatically accept come mostly from the society we are raised in. Our current society abhors slavery and has a highly Judeo-Christian background.

    Hmm, I don't think it quite works that way. Civil rights for minorities have generally been embraced as our society gets more secular.

    Re: slavery. Generally the christians were pretty slow to join the fight for emancipation, and some orthodox denominations actually fought pretty hard to keep the status quo. The one church that began the abolitionist movements in the UK and America was the Quakers.

    That said, I don't think it's strictly because they are/were specifically pro-slavery so much as the fundy denominations tend to confuse cultural conditioning with absolute truth, thus any effort to change that conditioning must be evil. The term "social engineering" as backlash against progressive policy is indicative of this. Give them another 150 years and they'll all be celebrating the emancipation of homosexuals.

    Morningside • Since Nov 2006 • 533 posts Report

  • Radiation: Television hell,

    I'm bored watching Jonathan Rhys Meyers dry hump everything in a skirt that isn't Sam Neil. Even beginning to wish he'd put on a buttoned up shirt now and then.

    OMG, ME TOO! (lol, wtf, etc) And I was so excited at the start of the series...
    That Kristen Holden-Reid's a lovely sight though, although I'm still quite perplexed about my emerging preference for redheads.

    Oh, slightly off-topic: I saw The Real Thing at the Silo theatre last week, and Claire Chitham was brilliant, totally stole the show. I mean - Aurora's one thing, but I'm really impressed that someone can avoid being typecast after a character as...*coff* Waverley.

    Morningside • Since Nov 2006 • 533 posts Report

  • Hard News: He might be crazy, but he's…,

    RE: Tourism nz video - is it just me, or does that starter credit say "LEAD SINGER PULTO"?

    Morningside • Since Nov 2006 • 533 posts Report

  • Hard News: He might be crazy, but he's…,

    I heard a story about Jordan Luck a while ago...apparently one new year a friend made a bet with him, for an obscene amount of money, that he couldn't go a year without drinking. And he did. Nary a drop for a full 12 months, then new year's day the following year, he collected on the bet, got utterly plastered and he's been drunk ever since.

    Morningside • Since Nov 2006 • 533 posts Report

  • Island Life: A tale of two Audreys,

    Yeah, I noted the shoulders; more here. Quite a bit of decolletage, not to mention a basketball singlet & some rather brightly coloured leather/vinyl jackets.

    The owner of that flickr account has chosen more than a few pornface shots.

    I love the photos are the ones with her and her co-anchor - an old balding tubby guy in a suit.

    Morningside • Since Nov 2006 • 533 posts Report

  • Speaker: Mixing it up, with stats like,

    Well, you won't be receiving an invite to the Nouning Verbs Society's annual ball.

    ..or from its rival organisation, the Verbing Nouns Association. This year we'll be cocktailing and barneying those Nouning Verbs misguideds.

    Morningside • Since Nov 2006 • 533 posts Report

  • Speaker: Mixing it up, with stats like,

    [decimate] has a very precise meaning: it means losing one in ten men

    Mmm, up until recently I thought it meant to reduce to a tenth, rather than by a tenth. I prefer my version.

    Morningside • Since Nov 2006 • 533 posts Report

  • Random Play: The Cure -- for what ails you,

    I say parochial, you say tomato, let's call the whole thing off..

    Morningside • Since Nov 2006 • 533 posts Report

  • Stories: Endings,

    The week following my own divorce (and yes, very surreal, sort of awkwardly formal, no ill will or anything) I went on a trip to the snow. While I was there I had a dream that on the bus out to the ski field we drove past a cemetery, and I noticed my grave. I realised that I'd actually been dead for the last two or three years, and of course! That was the reason that my husband left me, and why the guy I liked wasn't sufficiently interested in a long-term thing. It was a massive relief, and I knew that I could finally move on. While there's a bit of a breakdown in the analogy there, the dream was very much a turning-point for me.

    The most notable thing was that on my return to Auckland, I was browsing through the obituaries in the herald, and found my own name; I'm talking first, middle & last name. Spooky! Different person, obviously.

    Morningside • Since Nov 2006 • 533 posts Report

  • Random Play: With a little help from my…,

    They have a sultan - maybe that's why people think they're in the middle east?

    Yes. Also, known as a former "richest man in the world", from oil. I always thought Brunei was in the middle east. Shames!

    Morningside • Since Nov 2006 • 533 posts Report

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