Posts by Heather Gaye

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  • Hard News: Reading Material,

    When I served on one of Creative NZ's funding committees some years back, applications in that category outnumbered available funding by about 12:1. Probably much the same throughout its categories.

    Thanks for that. NZOA music video grants are 1 in 4 (170 grants a year, 600+ applicants), although their New Recording grants are about 1 in 40.

    Also duly noted is that the general trend in CreativeNZ funding is about $5000 per artist for cost of recording / writing songs for an album - same amount that NZOA supplies for a single video.

    ..not really making a point, just interested in the figures.

    Morningside • Since Nov 2006 • 533 posts Report

  • Hard News: Reading Material,

    Creative NZ grants are essentially for artistic projects... But they don't really suit music industry development.

    Absolutely, there are a hella lotta boxes you have to tick for CreativeNZ funding. But there's this subset of quite vocal musicians that complain that NZOA marginalises them because their music is artistic rather than commercial, but they hardly ever name-check CreativeNZ as a potential alternative - even to say they applied but were rejected. I'm curious to know how many musicians have applied, how many don't really know they can apply, and how many haven't bothered because they assume it's not worth the effort. I've just been trawling through their archives of funding decisions, and I was pleasantly surprised.

    The NZ On Air broadcast funding model worked really well for a long while, ... And a system in which commercial radio calls the shots doesn't fit the changed environment.

    I wholeheartedly agree with that statement. Obviously they're thinking hard about their methods and scope, which is good, but as much as I think they've done a better job than they get credit for, I do think it's past time they re-evaluated their actual mission.

    Morningside • Since Nov 2006 • 533 posts Report

  • Hard News: Reading Material,

    Is it wrong of me to pine for a system that provides grants to non-commercially viable acts -- but who are somehow seen to be worth something artistically (?) -- to help them do things that are only normally available to commercially successful acts -- tour, record, release.

    It's called CreativeNZ. They provide ~$7million for project funding, although this is across all visual and performing arts. There are also a few other funds for more specific purposes.

    Compare that to NZOA which distributes ~$5M for music promotion (another $100M goes to TV and radio programs).

    Morningside • Since Nov 2006 • 533 posts Report

  • Hard News: Mint Chicks win everything,

    Yeap, went in there for the beer. They didn't have Astrolabe. Mind you, the spirits section looked pretty happenin'.

    Morningside • Since Nov 2006 • 533 posts Report

  • Hard News: Mint Chicks win everything,

    Things I love: it's 5pm, time to head off into the sunshine for booze and fine company.

    I'M DRINKING ASTROLABE 2005 CHARDONNAY RIGHT NOW. I discovered today that the wine store in Ellerslie has a decent supply of that and the Sauv Blanc. Hooray!

    Morningside • Since Nov 2006 • 533 posts Report

  • Hard News: Mint Chicks win everything,

    I don't mind camp, but I'll be dadgarned, if those canadians don't irritate the hell outta me.


    Morningside • Since Nov 2006 • 533 posts Report

  • Hard News: Reading Material,

    Karl Urban is strapping on a stethoscope to play Leonard "Bones" McCoy...

    Spock = Zachary Quinto! Squee!

    Morningside • Since Nov 2006 • 533 posts Report

  • Hard News: Te Qaeda and the God Squad,

    If I remember correctly the very scary Bill Subritzsky (related to the incredibly wealthy Subritzsky shipping family) even "prophesied" this uprising was going to happen.

    Oh my.....can you imagine the fieldday these churches are going to have this side of Christmas??!??!!?

    Perhaps only ex-pente's like me will understand.....!

    Ooer, I didn't realise it was Subritzky fanning the flames. Oddly enough, there's a completely different prophesy (& from what I gather, the keystone of a handful of existing pente churches) from a similar era that NZ would be reclaimed as a flagship nation dedicated to christianity, starting with the iwis.

    Morningside • Since Nov 2006 • 533 posts Report

  • Hard News: The standing-still sweep,

    One thing Wishart is right about: military training camp conspiracies have been around since the '80s. I recall a concerned conservative whackjob in a suit doing a talk tour of all the churches, warning congregations about the imminent threat of a Maori militant uprising. Only difference was that the secret training camps were all on the fringes of the southern alps, and pretty much the entire population of every iwi down south was involved. Wishart wants to know why it took the police so long to act. I want to know if the noughties group will be as dangerous as the eighties one was[n't].

    Morningside • Since Nov 2006 • 533 posts Report

  • Yellow Peril: My black heart bleeds,

    And then we could totally do barbeque. Choice.

    ..awesome, the cheerleaders can make the salads, and us hard rugby-playing types can all stand around drinking beer and poking burnt steak with a fork.

    Morningside • Since Nov 2006 • 533 posts Report

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