Posts by recordari

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  • OnPoint: Angry Fisk of Rightwing…,

    I'm back for a sanity break. Any one got any Chloroform? I could do with an unanticipated period of unconsciousness right about..... now.

    How about... now?

    Sniff. Sniff.


    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Google to Embargo China,

    Second point - I think China is an unreformed corrupt one party state run by people whose thinking about realpolitik is still in the mid-twentieth century.


    Second point - I think China is an unreformed corrupt one party state run by people whose thinking about realpolitik is still in the mid-twentieth century.


    From what I read...

    We're all waiting for what you read, cause it ain't coming out in any Google search I can think of.

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Google to Embargo China,

    Is the Guardian a particular bastion of STTP? Just checking, cause while reading that recent paper on Copenhagen, the slant put on it was so great I nearly fell over readin git.

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Google to Embargo China,

    I'm a fool and I believe...

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Google to Embargo China,

    Oh dear, good old PublicAddress, eh? Dissenting POV's welcome, as long as they don't actually dissent from the prevailing orthodoxy...

    What George said. If you want to present a dissenting argument, then present one.

    And yes, I foolishly got drawn into this, but it is hard to provide a counter argument of substance when the starting point is so lacking in credible references. 'The Death Star response', as it shall now be called (sorry, presumptuous?) seems about right.

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Angry Fisk of Rightwing…,

    Kyle's Death Star allegory is keeping me hanging in there, but it's tough.

    Yes, that was gold standard, LMAO.

    I had a multi-pipetter for my current project until someone stole it and took it to Dunedin (questions of actual ownership are so petty.) I miss it very much.

    There's one for the slogan campaign.

    Dunedin. Where's my bloody multi-pipetter?

    Double century. Well, I have to give Tom credit for getting me through the 190s with a six and a four.

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Google to Embargo China,

    Yes, I do happen to think China has an active policy of using migration of pro-Beijing Chinese to create reasons for interventions in other nations internal affairs.

    Now I see what Pansy Wong is doing here. Really? I see you read those articles I posted then? Please tell me how I can take this seriously? I mean I'm trying really really hard, but I just can't get there.

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Google to Embargo China,


    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Google to Embargo China,

    From now on I demand the phrase to be used as follows.
    "Now that's what I'm Talkin' aboot" [citation needed]

    Noted. Thank you Steve, you have successfully deflated my blow-up high horse.

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Angry Fisk of Rightwing…,

    I'm just gonna post nothing in particular here, because otherwise I'm going to have to go nuclear fission on that other thread which is doing my head in.

    Perhaps I'll go play with the multi-injection auto-pipette for a bit. Although I think I may be banned.

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

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