Posts by Richard Aston

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  • Hard News: Changing news, in reply to Lilith __,

    And the dangling conversation

    I like that phrase Lilith , not sure exactly what it means but I like the idea that a conversation could dangle for a while , anything to do with pregnant pauses ?

    Northland • Since Nov 2006 • 510 posts Report

  • Hard News: Changing news, in reply to andrew r,

    Please tell me Bob Jones - property developer - is not to be further retained as a columnist?

    Judging by the positive comments to his latest call to put white collar crims in the stocks, he has plenty of supporters in the Herald readership .
    I despair sometimes.

    Northland • Since Nov 2006 • 510 posts Report

  • Hard News: Friday Music: Impermanence, in reply to Islander,

    Bilirubin, however, is a wholly different ball game…

    Quite . As the link says "Bilirubin is excreted in bile and urine"
    I dunno but the words excrete, urine and bile in the same sentence doesn't do anything for me.
    Happy and comfortable taking a piss any time but excreting urine ?

    Northland • Since Nov 2006 • 510 posts Report

  • Hard News: Friday Music: Impermanence,

    Thanks for broadening my experience of Fiona Apple , love the jazzy style she does, her bluesy stuff doesn't quite touch me though . Lovely voice .
    First time i Heard her was he |Across the Universe cover . Beautifully vulnerable.
    Mind you I still think This one from Noel Bridgeman ( on a Mary Black album) is still my favorite.

    Northland • Since Nov 2006 • 510 posts Report

  • Hard News: Paying for what doesn't come…,

    Bloody good project Russell and I for one would be glad to subscribe at around $100/yr , shit I spend more on coffee.
    I moan about the lack of quality journalism these days so I'd be more than happy to be part of doing something about that.

    Northland • Since Nov 2006 • 510 posts Report

  • Hard News: The question of Afghanistan…, in reply to Graeme Edgeler,

    My first names are Graeme Kenneth.
    Kenneth Grahame wrote The Wind in the Willows.

    There are no coincidences Graeme, but what is the link ?
    The main conflict in Wind and the Willows is man verses society, a conflict you as a lawyer must be very familiar with.
    Your last name Edgler means Sword Wolf .... great meaning for a name but can't see the link ...'

    Northland • Since Nov 2006 • 510 posts Report

  • Hard News: The question of Afghanistan…, in reply to Steve Barnes,


    the author revealed that the US in fact did not directly fund or create the Taliban. CIA funds went directly to the ISI the Pakistani security forces, who funneled the funds to the Taliban.

    J. Kalomiris, reviewing 9/11 Wars.

    I don't know who is right here but George Friedman definitely said CIA agents were flown into Taliban areas carrying cases full of US dollars , trying to buy local loyalties.
    And yes his view is very American centric.
    His take on the US/Saudi power struggle was interesting if a little paranoid.

    Northland • Since Nov 2006 • 510 posts Report

  • Hard News: The question of Afghanistan…, in reply to Russell Brown,

    +1 to Russell , yes there may have been some farmers in the "resistance" but it's far more complex than the Tangata Whenua wanting their land back .

    Northland • Since Nov 2006 • 510 posts Report

  • Hard News: The question of Afghanistan…, in reply to andin,

    America's Secret War by George Friedman is also a good source.
    I heard him speak at a readers and writers event. He basically says the US created the Taliban to fight the Russians , to the extent of equipping them with the full CIA manuals and a lot of hard cash. Later their inside knowledge of US military and CIA methods gave them the edged in fighting the US later . Shit those yanks are so dumb.
    I can lend anyone a copy if they are interested.

    Northland • Since Nov 2006 • 510 posts Report

  • Hard News: The question of Afghanistan…,

    Mon 13/8 , Maori TV Native Matters , they had Winston, Greens, Hone, Labour and Maori parties all agreeing it was time to get NZ out of Afghanistan like now.
    At 34:20 in the video .
    The whole piece was good to see the level of agreement ( and debate) amoung these parties . The Nats did a no show .

    Northland • Since Nov 2006 • 510 posts Report

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