Posts by Robbie Siataga

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  • Hard News: "Creative" and "Flexible",

    Yeah nice one Ben. I hear ya and would think i am speaking for none but myself and even then I'm totally hit and miss :)

    I just think its inevitable radio in its commercial form and public form will eventually die as broadband becomes cheaper and home based jocks put out their own programmes, work habits change and advertisers stop supporting radio as they can no longer reach their captive target market.

    I'm also a creature of some habit and when possible tune into saturday nite UK pirate radio which times in nicely for a sunday morning brunch pumping out teh dubstep.

    True, it's only a dollar to support someone elses habit but them dollars add up especially when you consider GST is only getting raised by 2.5 cents in the dollar. So maybe others wayyyy more fortunate can pay for my GST component instead of rewarding themselves with tax cuts funded by an insignificant amount as 2.5 cents. Unfortunately the help each other out thing doesnt seem to be working.

    For really minimal starters you might point to a fair bit of the evening programming being sourced from the BBC World Service or from the ABC - both fairly reputable, I would have thought.

    Makes even less of a case for taxpayer funding if its just collecting news from other sources as opposed to outsourcing and funding an NZ journo to get out in the field and report the news.

    Since Feb 2010 • 259 posts Report

  • Hard News: "Creative" and "Flexible",

    *ahem* yes i know, but i was just clarifying point in answer to a you were

    but now that you mention it...

    RNZ already outsources huge amounts of programming

    Weekend shows on RNZ ( like Kim Hill Chris Laidlaw etc) have ONE producer. The only shows with more than one producer are the news programmes , Nine To Noon, and Jim Mora. Thats it.

    Morning Report tho, does 180 minutes of news and current affairs every day of the week. Of course it needs producers !

    and just to clarify, this huge amount of outsourcing is to private production companies which may just be independent producers acting as sole traders and not in house producers ?

    Care to drop some names and post some links. Wouldn't mind checking out their CV's to see where my dollar is going and that i'm getting value for money ?

    Since Feb 2010 • 259 posts Report

  • Hard News: "Creative" and "Flexible",

    And what would be the *ahem * quality control of a commercial radio station

    I was thinking more about outsourcing to reputable production companies to produce quality programmes as opposed to low com denom radio stations sticking with the payola format.

    Since Feb 2010 • 259 posts Report

  • Hard News: "Creative" and "Flexible",

    The only business principle is profit.

    What about time management, working within budget and *ahem * quality control ?

    Since Feb 2010 • 259 posts Report

  • Hard News: "Creative" and "Flexible",

    I think we're talking about two quite different cultures: one a profit-driven business, and the other the provision of a public service.

    yes, but its essentially about delivery of a product with some public services possibly being better catered for by applying business principles to them.

    When i think RNZ and public service i think, Roger Hall's Gliding on, Glide time and Market forces :),

    Wouldn't sharing that body of knowledge and experience raise the game of those outside the public service or could they not compete in a level playing field... is the culture really so different ?

    How is the culture of the public broadcasting service these days and how does it compare to a profit driven business ?

    Since Feb 2010 • 259 posts Report

  • Hard News: "Creative" and "Flexible",

    spend a fortune and update to something technologically current, cutting edge and reliable, like, er the Telecom XT network...

    hah...While installing the network, we virtually had no idea what we were doing, didn't follow protocols/procedures, weren't held accountable but were rushed into getting the job done anyway to the point where we fudged a few tests to get some sites to pass to quickly move on to the next.

    Since Feb 2010 • 259 posts Report

  • Hard News: "Creative" and "Flexible",

    I'm not convinced the pool of technical and creative expertise within RNZ could be sourced from outside.

    Why's that ? Is there an entrenched culture of, this is how its always been done and its worked fine so if it aint fixed then dont break it even more and we'll get around to sorting it later ? So are you still using antiquated gear that requires turning a dial and pushing a button :) ?

    And I doubt that employing those people as contractors rather than staff would be cheaper.

    but you could specify the outcomes you wish to procure and set a deadline for delivery then haggle about the price if it isn't up to standard. Wouldn't that guarantee some sort of impartiality and savings ?

    Since Feb 2010 • 259 posts Report

  • Hard News: "Creative" and "Flexible",

    staff cuts : That's definitely short and quick, but not an answer, nor a fix.

    The implicaton was, savings could be made by automating broadcasts if they're only playing pre-recorded stuff anyway. Minimum 80k a year in salary to introduce a programme and push a button is a bit rich ?

    Apart from the fact that he just made that up, and seemed to have no understanding of what Radio New Zealand actually does.

    According to him, it makes relatively expensive programmes that could be made for less, while maintaining the quality, by outsourcing...true or false ?

    Now thats another problem altogether, and TV doesnt suffer from this Presenter fakeness?

    True, mainstream TV journos with their deadpan delivery attempting to display impartiality, while the pieces are usually spun in the wording to reflect their left/right leanings reeks of disingenuity and does the public a dis service.

    Since Feb 2010 • 259 posts Report

  • Hard News: "Creative" and "Flexible",

    But none of what you pay your ISP goes toward paying for what you listen to,

    Arrrrgh...yeah you got me there me hearty :) although theres no way one can generate a royalty from a DJ mixset anyway.

    re Media 7 : That young turk asking for a bigger public handout for RNZ is dreaming, especially when the other business driven fella said he could spit out a shitload of programmes of equal quality for what RNZ gets now.

    short answer and quick fix = cut staff

    Since Feb 2010 • 259 posts Report

  • Hard News: "Creative" and "Flexible",

    I know you think taxpayer money shouldn't pay for Concert because you think it's an irrelevant and elitist niche station, but who will pay for what you want to listen to?

    I dont listen to radio at all and if it takes the loss of advertisers to kill off radio then i imagine we'll be looking at subscription based net broadcasts much like where newspapers are heading with their on line content in answer to decreasing readerships.

    In paying my isp provider i'm sort of paying for what i want to listen to and maybe thats where the whole copyright thing is heading. A modest hike to kickback to apra in answer to loss of artist income from piracy and decreased royalites due to less advertisers.

    As for what i listen to.I tend to download DJ mixsets mostly and don't mind suffering the odd clickthru or banner ad as i just set it to download and walk away to come back and listen at leisure.

    But then again I'm not a slave to any rigid work timetable whereby its convenient to tune in while negotitating the morning and afternoon traffic jam as part of some daily ritual.

    I find radio jocks to be like preachers, having to be all that all the time in saying the same shit to keep the faithful tuned in. The whole fakeness of being controversial or jovial all the time is just tiresome.

    Since Feb 2010 • 259 posts Report

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