Posts by Robbie Siataga
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Most of us know by now that reporting an incident does not automatically result in charges, let alone conviction.
Message being, Ladies don't even bother reporting abuse anymore. Chances are you're wasting valuable police and court resources with your deranged mentrual tryhardness.
*yawn*...give the trolling a rest Sacha.
It was about staying physically safe in a room with a man who was engaging in erratic behaviour, and who has a known history of violence.
Which begs the question, WTF was their plan B if just such shit occurred ?
I tend to follow my instincts no matter what and for a journo i'd imagine its one of their prize assets. So to override them and with no exit strategy would imply their bosses set them up to be the story.
Well, now I want to know the pseudonyms that preceeded your other 66 posts :)
Russell knows, maybe ask him offline. Ben's onto it tho. 3 dots marks the spot ;)...but yes there's only been 2 on this site.
the implication that what the journalists were wearing is important to know when a guy has been exposing himself to them and groping them, makes you look silly.
Well actually thats more for my own interests. i too read womans day you know and we love to keep up with whats hot in business fashion and scents.
but also I'd like to see what type of woman Bailey thinks is beautiful. That would tell me more about whether he was on drugs or worked himself up into a blather over nothing much at all.
FWIW worth i dont think there was any groping at all. That was just to sex things up, because what woman would allow herself to be groped and not report it especially if the gropee was NZ's youngest convicted killer ?
Take the grope out and it's barely a story about some women allowing themselves to be exposed to by a fucked up guy in his own home without saying anything. What does that say about them ?
I would imagine its not an infrequent occurence and rarely reported either, from both sexes. Hmmmm...How about a poll on stuff about flashing ?
meh...if we're going to discuss stuff in the open, then let's be right out in the open. I'm about done hiding behind pseudonyms and giving a shit who i offend anymore, but dont quote me on that :)
Without incurring the cross threading ire of your good selves. I'd like to see media 7 mention the current Kurariki affair with regards to the reporting of alleged events of a criminal the groping of journalists, in the media before it gets reported to police.
It seems the police investigated after the "story" but the names of the reporters were withheld. If the crimes were serious enough to report then surely they'd be serious enough to warrant charges ? In which case their names should be reported and its not enough for them to say they would co operate with police after the fact.
When the story becomes more about the journalists placing themselves in the story than the story or crime itself , then you know something somewhere is seriously fucked up and even more when they dont identify themselves.
It may not be appropriate to say "Man up and grow a pair" to a woman, so what does one say instead ?..."oh you poor wee dears" ?
And by not reporting anything Kurariki said, it conveniently covers their arse by not having him contravene his parole condition by speaking to media, which they should have known about, while effectively removing his right of reply.
Makes me wonder if the intention was not just to entrap Bailey for the sake off good copy and rarking up right wing middle NZ with a another bit of sly brown yoof bashing.
I'll slip into something more comfortable then, shall i ?.
So do we have names and faces for these 2 female journos...if not, why not ? There's no name supression order in place is there and no charges laid ?
It's the grope thing that adds weight to the story isnt it ? Flopping your wang out in front of guests in your own home isn't a crime is it ? It's a bit rude but fuck it, if you cant give your pecker some air at home then where can you ?
I like how they infer he was sweating and agitated, erratic and distressed, as if to suggest drugs without suggesting drugs
but is there some media code of ethics which protects the names of the *ahem* innocent...anyone care to shine some light on them ?
Fairplay and all, whats good for a gander is also good for getting your own goose cooked. I'd like to see pics of these darlings of investigative journalism. I'd like to see what they were wearing, hear what their favourite perfume is and what makes a woman not decide to pull a guy up about jerking off in front of them ?
By allowing him to expose himself and doing/saying nothing, doesnt that give the tacit approval of silence for him to take it a step further ?
My instincts told me to get the hell out of there as soon as we could, but I knew it was crucial to remain calm and collected.
so she overrode her instincts in favour of being fully pro and getting the story. What a who do i make the medal out to ?
It doesn't really take much to get media attention here, you just have be semi-famous, and do something that isn't plain vanilla. Acting like a dick is a popular choice.
but if that attention has the possibility to negatively impact on your career by way of a criminal conviction, then you can always apply for name supression as in, that fellow from a few months ago.
in that case i'd say, trying to hide his shame by law has hindered his career more than if he'd outed himself, grovelled a bit and put the shame on the skuxx 16 yr olds trolling the streets at all all hours.
Harpoons at the ready, it looks like we're heading into whale territory. :)
This doesn't seem to me to be a story that should be shared
If it gives some insight to his behaviour, the role the system played in shaping it that led to his current problems and the media/publics fascination with him...then why not ?
FWIW, it was a screen printing and graphics workshop.
the outsiders vs bailey is a bit of a stretch :)
I did a few workshops in Kingslea for Bailey and others a good while back when he was there and he struck me as a prima donna type kid well aware of the publicity and how acting up without remonstration led him to act out even more until he was. Then he threw a big wetty and stormed out, well at least to the door cos he couldn't get through, it being a jail and all.
I got the feeling it was a show he regularly put on for visitors.
This latest episode just highlights how he is still trapped as a 12 yr old who went through puberty inside without normal guidance on what is acceptable behaviour by authority figures he could respect.
I mean, what can you do to a pubescent kid in jail who flops his doodle out for a laugh or for attention ? Lock him up some more ? And why should he bother listening to advice from do goody strangers when listening to advice from family got him locked up, considering he's supposed to trust family.
If i had a production company in Auckland, i'd do a reality tv show on him, give him more media exposure than he knows what to do with and hopefully, after it becomes normal for him to see himself through others eyes he'll see whats wrong with himself and fix up, look sharp.
It would make poignant, real life and relevent TV to a whole lot of fucked up kids who go on to become fucked up adults i reckon, and way more interesting than following poor folk around in their shit cars giving them tickets and processing them when they act out against police 10/7.
Should we just want a soundbite, a bit of spittle and some gutter journalism, then by all means lets just carry on as we are.