Posts by David Haywood
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Speaker: A Slight Diversion from…, in reply to
What a wonderful story! Thank you Harold. And get better soon!
Thanks Lilith, will pass on your kind message...
Speaker: A Slight Diversion from…, in reply to
I’ve never quite been able to love any ferro-cement boat since. (Apologies to Harold and Loxley, which looks lovely. I’ve fancied the H28 since a teen – Herreshoff is a legend.)
Yes, I’m a huge Herreshoff fan myself! But that certainly sounds like a very negative ferrocement experience there, Rob. I’ve seen a few ferrocement disasters myself – though also some great successes. Did you ever come across a boat called ‘Roc’ (I think), which was in one of the solo transtasman races – possibly still holding the record for slowest boat ever? That was quite an extraordinary design; what it lacked in speed it made up for in strength.
Loxley sailed very well, as I recall, a lot stiffer than the wooden Herreschoff boat that I've sailed in.
En passant the Neria plans included a dinghy that Herreschoff came up with to match the boat. It was rather small (Herreschoff called it a ‘pram’) but very good to row. Harold didn’t go the ferrocement route on the dighy, of course, I think it was built in kauri, which is a timber that he works with a lot.
Speaker: A Slight Diversion from…, in reply to
What became of Loxley? Is this it, last year, about to head to Tonga?
Answering for Harold: Well-spotted, Ben! Yes, that's Loxley! Aluminium masts instead of the oregon now, I notice. Harold told me he'd had recent reports that Loxley has been spotted in Samoa, so this all ties together now... Incidentally, Harold had plans to tour the Pacific Islands, but it never quite came to pass. Very glad that Loxley made it, at any rate.
One of the things that I most liked about your account, Harold, is the fact that you built a 37-foot yacht without actually having sailed before. Just as well it turned out that you liked sailing.
Unfortunately Harold is currently in hospital (he cracked a femur during some shenanigans after writing this guest blog and finishing his latest book), but any comments left here will be passed onto him. Hopefully he can respond to any questions.
I can also report that Harold dislikes John Key as much as he disliked Robert Muldoon, and is greatly enjoying the news RE: Dirty Politics. It is apparently just what he suspected all along.
You can read more about Harold here.
Speaker: Why I'm standing in Ilam, in reply to
This may be the most insightful piece of political analysis ever written. It really spoke to me (as they say in marketing). Thank you Grant!
Up Front: Oh, God, in reply to
Great post, Emma - thank you! Poor girl at my son's school had to sit outside (in winter) on verandah for the best part of an hour when her parents opted her out of bible class. We've formed "Science Club" as an attempt to prevent this happening again - despite the massive inconvenience to all concerned when the Bible Lady whimsically changes her timetable without notice
Hard News: Dirty Politics, in reply to
“Cathy Odgers is a lawyer. She wrote an attack post about it for the Whale Oil blog and sent the following e-mail to David Farrar, Cameron Slater and Matthew Hooton. To Farrar, Slater, Hooton: Make sure when Cam finds it that you subtly repost where Hager lives. I’ve done a post for Saturday on whale blog as can’t run myself as too close to work. The leaks he is involved with include tens of thousands of rich Chinese. Mainland and HK. It would be a disaster if they all knew where he lived. He may even need police protection. I’ve spent all day telling clients it is not our company but have asked a few how they would react if they knew a bit about the people publishing the material. I was delighted to assist with the full details for Mr Hager. Those Chinese can be very vicious when they lose face. Hiding money from wife for concubines and having their family trust deed leaked online with beneficiaries for example makes for very unhappy billionaires. Many trusts are not tax driven at all in Cooks they are cock driven. Chop chop for Nicky. Shame Russians don’t seem affected but our Chinese friends need a helping hand.”
Okay, now I'm genuinely deeply shocked -- this is awful. What sort of a person would do something like that? The person who wrote that message can only be described as evil.