Posts by Julian Melville
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If you're feeling really decadent, sprinkle some Laphriog Single Malt over the salmon as well. Goes down a treat.
Clutches bottle of Quarter Cask close to heart... I guess I can't really imagine feeling quite that decadent! Maybe some Bowmore or something.
To Russell - yeah those Broil Kings really are the business aren't they. Grab Steven Raichlen's BBQ Bible (occasionally cheap at Borders but not always) and you're set for life.
Re the "weapon of mass distraction" - here's the perfect moment from Black Books:
Finally, totally loving Love My Way which actually made me shed a little tear the other week.
I haven't been keeping up with it here (watched it in Aus the first time round) but I think I can guess which episode you're talking about! It's definitely one of the best shows I've seen in a very long time. And all 3 series seem to be out there on the torrents if anyone needs to catch up...
And lately there have been a few cases unearthed of Australian citizens being mistakenly held in detention centres for years.
Just to tie a couple of threads together here, Cornelia Rau was one of the Australian residents found being held in detention centres by mistake, and Amanda Vanstone was at the time the Federal Immigration minister ignoring her. Vanstone was also probably the most senior woman in recent Aussie politics if you ignore the Democrats (Cheryl Kernot, Meg Lees, Natasha Stott Despoja were all Democrat party leaders and very visible in Aussie politics a few years ago)
The Cornelia Rau affair did Vanstone's career no good at all. The other major fuckup was dealing with the fallout from deporting Vivian Alvarez Solon (an Aussie citizen) to the Philippines without telling her family -- they thought she'd gone missing. Vanstone is now Australian ambassador to Italy...
I have to say I enjoyed watching the Aussie election coverage like you wouldn't believe, we lived there for 8 years and the sickening politics was among the reasons we moved back. Definitely time for a change.
Aaargh, ignore me about Deb Mailman, got my series crossed. Must not post before caffeine.
...and Deborah Mailman. Where's their token Native Australian?
??? Deborah Mailman is the token Native Australian. But yeah, top series. When it came out in Aussie it was pay TV-only, so was winning (deserved) awards all over the place when nobody had really seen it.
Anybody else get a jolt when the words "New Zealand 2011" lit up at Stade de France by way of conclusion to Rugby World Cop 2007?
You made it all the way to then? I was already off making the coffee shortly after half time and didn't come back. What a snoozer. The F1 final race in Brazil, on the other hand...
Seems to me that we already have planes overhead on the north shore, except because they're military they fly in at weird hours of the night. The other week we had helicopters practicing some sort of unannounced night landings in the local school after 11pm.
In comparison, 747's into Whenuapai would be fine by me if it meant we could get to an airport quicker than the ridiculous amount of time it takes now.
So was the scene at St Lukes mall a couple of hours later, when I dropped to kids off at the movies. People -- men especially -- were wandering about distractedly
That's just men at shopping malls, horrible sterile places that they are, it's got nothing to do with the rugby :)
You use 90210 too? :) I wonder what the apparent expat population of Beverley Hills is these days!