Posts by Sam F
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someone is going to shoot Obama
This above all things is what worries me, unlikely as it is. Not just his death but the damage to American civil society that would follow.
Bog-standard letter from Labour here, and another from ACT. The latter including a hilarious step-by-step guide to electing not just a change of government but "a government of change", using clip-art images to replace certain key words in a wacky visual style! What'll they think of next?
Halloween isn't Satanic. It's socialist -- like Chirstmas -- as it enourages children to become dependent on begging for their processed sugar, as opposed to getting a badly paid job and earning it.
Come on now. All God-fearing folk know that satanism and socialism are the same thing.
Although, that said, Halloween is more authentically socialist, in that children rise up with the threat of direct action to appropriate the means of hyperactivity, rather than demanding token goods under the false-consciousness rubric of Santa Claus... and I think I might just leave this argument be for now, would everyone like that?
Alternatively: how about spending ten dollars in sweets and five seconds each with your kids' neighbours per year, you tight-arse philistines?
My get-out-of-jail-free card: I live on the second floor at the end of a long, long right-of-way, and our place looks studentish enough that most kids don't bother making the hike. I would buy a ton of sweets and stand on the balcony signalling the tykes to come running and dig in, but a) I can't be bothered and b) people would likely start asking questions about my motivation...
My parents never had truck with Halloween (for religious rather than anti-CocaColonisation reasons). Eventually they bought a little Halloween detour sign and put it out in the front garden, and they say it works fine. Kids happily move on to the next house without stress or disappointment.
A certain large, energetic Huntaway-Rottweiller cross may be skewing that result a bit though.
"Leave Bob aloooooooone!"
Things I didn't need to be reminded of #38779...
Russell, where's that coffee stash o yours?
I'll second that. 'Schrodinger's Candidate' is worth a few bags for Emma, if not a whole damn machine. Too perfect.
Sorry, around that time on Saturday nights everything starts looking like a double entendre to me...
I think we need a movement to move Halloween in NZ to the end of April - not only will it be dark and scary but pumpkins will be in season
I like your line of thinking. How about Good Friday? Seasonally appropriate with a side order of sacrilege...
And didn't Diebold make both?
Diebold: making Kiwibank customers vaguely uneasy since quite a while ago.