Posts by Robbie Siataga

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  • Hard News: A revolting piece of shit,

    It's the nastiest piece of shit I've ever seen (not that I seek out woman-hating garbage or bad examples of this musical style when there are so many good ones). Here’s my main concern though:

    just couldn't get the lolz

    Real funny, Robbie. There’s a bigger story about gender, violence and ethnicity - and it is not arms-length for us here. Please remember that Robbie knew why this clip was controversial and deliberately chose to place it immediately after his words about the young female journalists:

    i guess the final irony is, the anonymous 'victims' original intent for the story was to get an opinion from Bailey regarding his last incarceration, with the end result being they are now culpable in the charges that will probably see him getting jailed again.

    where's the justice ?... maybe karma will sort them out.

    Consider that last phrase. This is no accident, and quite in keeping with previous misogynist garbage about Kurariki. Sure there are a range of social and structural issues around gendered violence, justice and the place of young men, including polynesian young men.

    But at a personal level I’m not sure why you haven’t been set right by some older men you respect, Robbie. You need to know it’s time to grow up. Real men don’t spread shit like this - it's not a game, and you're not some big-talking hero of the streets. Real people get hurt when attitudes like this are promoted as OK. They’re not...

    Working backwards...

    Real people get hurt when attitudes like light sentences or anonymous shielding by peers are made out as OK. Real people don't get hurt watching vids or reading teh internet

    hmmm...older men i respect. Yeah i'll give you that one, not many, if any. Palagi dad crawled into a bottle on the dpb when Samoan mum died young. None of us 5 kids were prepared for that. The uncles were either violent samoans or racist crackas. Hiphop was my first 'culture'.

    Took me a while to find out Hiphop is a game, you play or you get played. You make the rules up as you go along. Real men do what they do outside the game.

    Most of ya'll crack me the fuck down, but if any older men want to take me aside for some respect lessons them step up or step off and your credentials better be impeccable !

    Whos up for a challenge ?..yeah i thought not. Like so many other things, lets just pass superficial judgment and put the rest in the the too hard basket and talk the shit out of it. This is mainstream media afterall, not the place to find role models and people to respect.

    I've done my time talking in the streets and am thinking of getting down and dirty again and yeah i was some kind of hero. Now I'm as much a social commentator as i am a good father and i pretty much make my own rules there too. I'm more of a role model than most.

    Karma in hiphop, as suggested in that link to the Kurariki piece is that a diss track be made towards the 2 journalist 'victims' and an accompanying video of 'entrapment by media' be made in much the sam way as the "brother" video highlighted the pre meditated murder of a tagger.

    So is the world a safer place now the vids been pulled. Surely as a highlight to misogynist violence it sparks debate and leads to changing attitudes as much any feel good marketing campaign ?

    Meanwhile aint a damn thing changed in the real world.

    As for who can't get the lolz ? look in a mirror or let me hold my smoking black one up to you. One that reflects what you are, not what you see and maybe you'll see what's so funny about hypocrisy. This vid is just someone else holding that mirror up. Not pretty eh ?

    By all means Sacha. Tell me your big story of gender, violence and ethnicity, and not at arms-length, for all us here. It may help...

    The real question here is... censorship. Why did NZoA fund this tune if the lyrics were so jarring ? what does it say about artistic freedom and criteria for taxpayer funding ? Is it OK to walk/talk the darkside or does it all have to be flowers and honeybees blah blah blah and who earned the right to judge on our behalf ?

    Since Feb 2010 • 259 posts Report

  • Hard News: A revolting piece of shit,

    This guy is nothing, if you want to be disgusted by Mysoginistic, violent rap - check out "Necro" who tours NZ about once a year.

    haha...yeah he's pretty funny.

    ...and talking of shit, there will only ever be one GG allin !

    Since Feb 2010 • 259 posts Report

  • Hard News: A revolting piece of shit,

    Umm, no, there's quite a few of us hiphop audiences who can't view it objectively.

    See, that's the problem with hiphop and why it's dead. Too many serial cats gettin all subjectively playahata on shit and just couldn't get the lolz.

    Most took their shit wayyy to serious and disappeared up their own arses because of it...dreamin of living some viable culture when all they were doing is aping dumbass negroes.


    Since Feb 2010 • 259 posts Report

  • Hard News: A revolting piece of shit,

    At least then it would be saying something slightly more interesting than "I am a man and I like to kill women" which, in case you haven't noticed, is something of a problem in our society.

    Yeah, i can't seem to get past the 'old men sending kids to die in war for money' thing and the 'music industry run by paedophiles' thing...coincidence ?

    Men killing women is nothing new. I'm sure if women were physically stronger they'd be lording it over us...

    Any of you dinks remember this gem ?

    Planet earth

    Since Feb 2010 • 259 posts Report

  • Hard News: A revolting piece of shit,

    words mean nothing, image is everything.

    I think Lady Gaga's doing a bit more than getting her tits out. She's much more interesting than that.'s a pity her tits aren't, or is that just me reinforcing my indoctrination to only apply the accepted western beauty myth to women in the media. Nice pins though. Here's a tshirt grafik i did in thats in keeping with the theme.

    Yeah i'm a fan on a 'capturing the fashion' zeitgeist level, but minus the gimmickry, isn't she just the new elton john. He could also do wonders with a shit tune and funny costumes ?

    Whatever...maybe i am being one eyed but when you got the power of the illuminati behind you, you're made in the shade :)

    one man's revolting piece of shit is another man's meal ticket

    Since Feb 2010 • 259 posts Report

  • Hard News: A revolting piece of shit,

    Swing and a miss... cant hit a homer every time you step up to bat.

    Dirty sesh album gets released yesterday, the vids been floating round for the last 2 weeks, suddenly it gets mainstream hype and publicity by condemnation...coincidence ?

    Whoever sent it to 'rape crisis' and hit em up for a comment should be on MTC's payroll.

    Aint no such thing as bad publicty. Kirk knows this and to succeed or at least stand out from the pack in hiphop these days you need a gimmick.

    The fact that hiphop audiences are so desensitised to violence and ugly art means they can view it objectively so...

    The vid itself is pretty well shot, staged, lit, edited and post produced. The tunes are meh. Director Tim van Dammen is certainly one to watch so hopefully he's got a slasher feature somewhere in his pipedreams.

    All them organs must have come from Mike King's homegrown porkers, I reckon. And is it me or was he a wayyy funnier cunt when he was eating caged pig on drugs ?

    I'd prefer to see hombrew get some NZoA love. They're mad funny and hori as...

    In keeping with female equality aspect of the thread. I wonder what the reaction might have been if the script had been flipped and it was a female killer preying on male victims in the vid ?

    Since Feb 2010 • 259 posts Report

  • Hard News: Still crazy after all these years,

    Ignore me if I've said this before, but you may be interested in these offerings from Radio New Zealand - although they may not be quite polemical enough for your taste, I suspect.

    hah...yeah nah, its like i'm almost tempted to start a blog called

    'Power to Truth'...where journos/bloggers pieces get the left/right spin taken off them, a sub section called 'The Most Hardest News...EVER!!!' which speaks for itself, 'The Occasional Slag' an opinion piece that bars no holds and an interview section called 'The Buttface'.

    ...but surely something like that exists too,yeah ?

    Since Feb 2010 • 259 posts Report

  • Hard News: Still crazy after all these years,

    I also cant help but think of the very real possibility of Bailey, given his 'media star' status, dying violently in jail...and then what ?

    Naturally there'd be some hand wringing, some finger pointing and a whole lotta good copy being made, perhaps even a piece on how contrite the current 'victims' feel.

    but not a damn thing would change. i virtually have no faith in the mainstream media at all now and thats sad.

    there really should be some 'razzie' type media awards for the shoddiest piece of journalism to counter the qantas best of.

    currently i'm tossing between this fit up and Mike McRoberts flitting round post quake Haiti saving babies for the camera...jeez that fucker made me angry just by being there.

    Since Feb 2010 • 259 posts Report

  • Hard News: Still crazy after all these years,

    [Edit:. Removed the link to that vile Dirty Sesh video. Just don't want it playing through my website, sorry. RB]

    fair enough but it is kind of relevent as thats the type of stuff that influences the baileys of this world....perhaps thats worthy of a thread/media 7 spot in itself ? (self) censorship ?

    BTW does NZoA require individual video treatment synopsis by reputable production companies before approving funding...yet ?

    (I'm not suggesting he is ASD, at all, but I do think about the way our younger boy could have developed in less fortunate circumstances.)

    I'm reminded of Liam Ashley and how that turned out when his parents though it was a good idea to educate him first hand on prison...wasn't he ASD ?

    Since Feb 2010 • 259 posts Report

  • Hard News: Still crazy after all these years,

    Any ideas for further steps?

    make high school kids study every episode of 'the wire' and shame on all y'all if you haven't seen it.

    Series 5 is rather apt, where due to cutbacks and falling readership an unscrupulous reporter manufactures the news and puts himself at the center of the story while a cop takes the law into his own hands.

    and series 4, where they institute 'no child left behind/national standards' to a group of tweenies as the actual teenagers are too far damaged and jaded to be rehabilitated

    or series 3, where the alternative to wasting time policing drugs at street level is to 'legalise' them by turning a blind eye and concentrating on hard crime further up the chain

    series 2, where well intentioned dockers union officials bribe local politicians for favours that never happen while international big money dealers get a free pass to import slaves and drugs.

    and finally series one, where 'Bodymore', a broke ass city is revealed in all its ugly beauty from the 'smile and wave' mayor to the 'honest' but flawed cop to the 'survival of the fittest' drug dealers and everything in between.

    BTW Lopaki is the samoan version of Robert so as a last post i decided to round up all the shit i talked here and tried to present it as a cohesive rant at hiphopnz.

    i guess the final irony is, the anonymous 'victims' original intent for the story was to get an opinion from Bailey regarding his last incarceration, with the end result being they are now culpable in the charges that will probably see him getting jailed again.

    where's the justice ?...maybe karma will sort them out.

    [Edit:. Removed the link to that vile Dirty Sesh video. Just don't want it playing through my website, sorry. RB]

    Since Feb 2010 • 259 posts Report

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