Posts by Robbie Siataga

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  • Hard News: A revolting piece of shit,

    I get the feeling that I would have to establish my credentials before I do, in order to have a clear path to say my piece.

    credentials be damned, outta the mouths of babes and all that.. spit it out lest you choke on it, I say.

    Since Feb 2010 • 259 posts Report

  • Hard News: A revolting piece of shit,

    not killing people purely for the good of society, and ultimately this has negative consequences

    ...yeah like messed up soliders returning home after doing their duty and beyond in iraq ? killing has to be addictive and hardwired or we would have stopped by now.

    oh and screw the feelers...drunken wannabe rock n rollers, shoulda got Jordan Lucks new band. Maybe they can do the farewell song when we lose the world cup again :)

    'darlin i'll say good bye even though i'm blue'

    this is a good vid... Ed Davis i think who also did Misfits of Science choice vids.

    Since Feb 2010 • 259 posts Report

  • Hard News: A revolting piece of shit,

    NZoA may be harbouring a few red faces right now.

    Bout time i reiterated my call to sack Brendan Smyth then...

    ...he was a man for his times but that time has been and gone. Nothing worse than desperately trying to hold on to power for its own sake.

    and you'd hope the 'name supressed' artist gets blacklisted for vids now otherwise you'd be feeding his fetish by providing him with a new in to access fresh fans given thats the demographic he appeals and tries to appeal to.

    Since Feb 2010 • 259 posts Report

  • Hard News: A revolting piece of shit,

    Shot Chip...good luck ! Canadia eh ? Say hi to TyTy for me :)

    Hope you'se roll thru nelson soon. I'm keeping quiet in the boonies doing the house hubby thing at the mo.

    Maybe gonna hook up Lil Jah from wicked draw on teh dubstep tip. That bro has more talent than sesh could ever hope for. And also get active on the pasifikan community front again.

    Since Feb 2010 • 259 posts Report

  • Hard News: A revolting piece of shit,

    yeah Heather...havent really given lundy much thought, just maybe hes the good side of america.

    Started on series 4 but my source/broadband got canned :(

    Enough to see dex get domesticated and focus on home issues and get sloppy abroad...sound like Obama's america much ?

    imagine black operatives mental anguish, moral code and self torment. Dex was trained from within by his adopted 'forefathers' to do his work. Honestly theres so much you can equate to america personified with dex. I never liked him eh.

    killiing stangers in the name of whatever is still killing and in doing so you're removing the right for the future sons to atone for the sins of their father.

    Since Feb 2010 • 259 posts Report

  • Hard News: A revolting piece of shit,

    well played Kirk Harding...

    King told the Sunday News he had wanted the video to cause controversy.

    "My whole thing is to push the limit ... People in the hip-hop community [are saying] this is the best New Zealand hip-hop video to date."

    "While it was never intended to upset people in this way, it obviously has" - Kirk Harding

    he's like JKeyll to Rodney's hyde. Sesh pushes the boat out to deep water Key pulls it back in a little and the public is none the wiser but the real deal is done. they'll be hoping the global hiphop boards get viral on it and i wouldn't be surprised if Mike King makes a splatter vid replacing women with pigs.

    thanks everyone for playing your part. I for one feel safer that my kids are protected by the evil of music vids and really.

    i dont think its gonna harm Sesh's "career" none, at least not as much as getting 'name supression" from getting your wang out for the fans to play with.


    so is NZoA gonna want veto power on questionable vids now and paybacks for non compliance or how about funding for people with lewd criminal convictions. Expect a change in criteria...yeah ?

    good ol BS...always slow to the mark but a master at covering his arse while getting it licked at the same time.

    Since Feb 2010 • 259 posts Report

  • Hard News: A revolting piece of shit,

    haha chip...ya triple posting n00bster

    Still complaining about the one act you've been part of?

    nah that shits killed and deadweighted for the bottom feeders in the hiphop sea of discontent... what's you got bubblin musically that's worth pimpin' righteously ? c'mon bro open your soul up :)

    Since Feb 2010 • 259 posts Report

  • Hard News: A revolting piece of shit,

    @Robbie, so who does Lundy represent?

    Lundy ?... quirky nice guy with morals and a public conscience who shags dexters sister but ulitmately gets duped by dex as well cos hes not as clever ?

    i'm not up on series 4 yet so ...dunno Canadia maybe ?

    Since Feb 2010 • 259 posts Report

  • Hard News: A revolting piece of shit,

    ooooh scary quotemarks...

    Now now Chip, play nice and dont make this personal or stick to playing bass. It's one thing you're really good at but not in big fake bands that ripoff foreign sounds as much as dirty sesh or most other rappers.

    BTW you heard scribe doing his weezy take on the latest j williams vid ?

    it's not bad cos lil wayne is flavour of the month and he does a better em rip than sesh too.

    Since Feb 2010 • 259 posts Report

  • Hard News: A revolting piece of shit,

    I thought Dexter was the personification of americas right to pre emptive striking and the right to kill if it's in the greater good of their public/voters.

    All the stereotypes are there. the scapegoating of the righteous black man. the copycat latin countries. the twisted and seductive british sponsor. the protagonist working within officaldom as though black ops.

    Since Feb 2010 • 259 posts Report

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