Posts by Alan Perrott
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Hard News: Friday Music: There have been…, in reply to
along with whatever radio hosts they want to drag in.
Hard News: Friday Music: There have been…, in reply to
yeah, liking that idea.
otherwise you'll only be inducting pub bands to keep the piss heads happy.
Hard News: Friday Music: There have been…, in reply to
not to mention Daphne Walker.
With all due respect to Nick A and co I find them an odd choice, but I imagine the intent was to introduce something less wrinkled than usual.
Hard News: Friday Music: Cilla!, in reply to
nah man...I hadn't seen that list. but there is a Cilla canon swapped among certain types.
I'd have chucked in Faded Images as well but it doesn't seem to be on youtube. -
last one...her sort of psychy dabble, with added belly dancing
Hard News: Friday Music: Cilla!, in reply to
ha, apologies for perdictabliity...also,
and some light swing the Dudley Moore Trio
I do love me some Cilla, she does a belting Aquarius
and this is a rather sweetl duet with Marc Bolan
Hard News: Home advantage, in reply to
damn right Grant, especially given the context. otherwise, I couldn't fathom our low energy start and has C Smith ever sent a ball flying over his winger before?
but no complaints and surprisingly unfussed by the loss, possibly because I still don't accept we're as good as we think we are.
also, could someone please sort out A Smith's (it's getting like the Wales Jones') box kick? -
Hard News: Friday Music: Festival of Non-Dudeyness, in reply to
hey Simon, really? quietly boo...but I'd have to admit his foray into dad psych was rather clunky.
well, I'd swap everyone on that Laneways bill for just one Richard Hawley gig. I'd also love to erm, curate a soundtrack - sounds like the best job in the world; a mixtape with pictures.
otherwise quite tickled to find this track in a bargain bin, an Issac Hayes production...