Posts by Naly D

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  • Field Theory: A much better strip,

    But at least that ugly Interislander patch on the shoulder is gone.

    That doesn't look like the final strip to me, there's no sponsor logos whatsoever [ie Wellington Beds and the already-noted Interislander] Haven't heard nuffink about either company pulling sponsorship.

    Wellington • Since Sep 2008 • 307 posts Report

  • Field Theory: 5-7 7-6 7-6 3-6 16-14,

    And the really funny thing is that Max did not appear to do this for any other reason than a lifelong ability to cavort around the world in a series of F1 parties, as president-assumed-for-life of the FIA. It does not appear that he has been paid off in any sort of bribe, he did not benefit financially, so why did he do it? why was the deal he made so pathetic?


    You'll wanna revisit those figures. The FIA receives 25% of the funds, and will receive full rights to all broadcast revenue in 2020, as part of the agreement.

    And remember that 1995 was one of the worst seasons of Formula 1 to date - Senna died the year before, three (I think) teams were in financial difficulty and four or so circuits were in the same situation. And that was the year the weather caused absolute carnage with shitloads of races halted due to rain.

    Don't forget also that Mosley was elected to the FIA four times, not made 'life president', and is standing down this year [is it this year already? Shit!]

    Wellington • Since Sep 2008 • 307 posts Report

  • Field Theory: 5-7 7-6 7-6 3-6 16-14,

    The question he was asked was "Who is your favourite fascist dictator?" WTF was he supposed to say?

    I haven't seen anything about this, but if that's the question, I'm surprised he didn't say Mussolini, given that it was he who basically allowed Enzo Ferrari to continue tuning and racing Fiats during the war before setting up Ferrari, and emphasised the fact he needed to win [at the same time as Hitler was doing the same thing to Porsche and Mercedes - leading to the beautiful Silver Arrow era].

    Then, of course, there was the whole split in the 70's or 80's, where it was Enzo who more or less singlehandedly allowed the F1 to continue and Ecclestone to gain as much power and wealth he now wields.

    Oh, and the sheer number of fans Ferrari has bought to his sport.

    Not saying anything, but I'm just a lil' surprised and reckon Enzo's wheelspinning in his grave right now.

    Wellington • Since Sep 2008 • 307 posts Report

  • Field Theory: 5-7 7-6 7-6 3-6 16-14,

    As it neared 6.00 am I began to wonder if the idiots were about to cut the final in favour of some idiot breakfast show like they did the Warwinka game...

    All games continued on TV2 after 6am barring the first day didn't they?

    Wellington • Since Sep 2008 • 307 posts Report

  • Field Theory: 5-7 7-6 7-6 3-6 16-14,

    He also looks like some kind of god leaping to take his new place on Olympus, methinks.

    Wellington • Since Sep 2008 • 307 posts Report

  • Field Theory: 5-7 7-6 7-6 3-6 16-14,

    With the picture you posted Hadyn, looks like Federer is seriously well-endowed.

    Wellington • Since Sep 2008 • 307 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Shut Up and Skate,

    Mac Romode?

    That's awesome, Jed should fully take it.

    Me, I'll be LeBron Pain

    Wellington • Since Sep 2008 • 307 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Just a Glitch,

    <quote>Just because it's not on TV, doesn't mean that they couldn't demonstrate their benefits (or lack of) with the Junior ABs, which is where they'd all have been playing.
    That really is half the point of a Junior ABs team.<quote>
    You'll here no argument from me there, but if we'd left everyone with the juniors, who would you have put in place of Masaga, McAlister, Latimer, Messam, Ross, de Malmanche?

    Wellington • Since Sep 2008 • 307 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Just a Glitch,

    Yeah. There's 'rust' and there's "this doesn't look anything like a world-beating team, three weeks out from playing two of the best teams in the world."

    And there's 'holy shit we're about to get 6 people back from injury and if they hadn't gotten injured we wouldn't have seen the benefits of Isaac Ross and Tanerau Latimer [and that I was right about Masaga]'.

    Wellington • Since Sep 2008 • 307 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Just a Glitch,

    In fact the big news, and really it's pretty big, is that the Phoenix Suns have traded Shaquille O'Neal to the Cleveland Cavaliers (for Ben Wallace, Sasha Pavlovic, a 2nd round draft pick and a pile of cash).


    Wellington • Since Sep 2008 • 307 posts Report

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