Posts by Ross Mason

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  • Southerly: Who was George Hildebrand…, in reply to David Haywood,

    Here I’m not sure I entirely agree with the you…

    This is FUN!

    The Arlngton on the stamp bears the same "flicks and shapes" as other letters in other places. See the way the "ton" in Alington on the stamp is written. The horizontal line that is the "t" cross. This is the same style as "Arlington" in the rest of the note. QED the same person.

    As for "the sum of twenty pounds". An even closer look suggests that this might have been written by Holland!! Check the "n". Subtle differences to the body of the letter. But consistent with Hollands "n" on his name - and the "n" in Pounds. The "s" are completely different too. Especially the ones at the start of words. The "f" is different. The "d" does not have that little left flick at the top either. Nope. IMHO, Different person.

    I'll concede that a third person is there but I offer Holland as the third person who wrote the twenty pounds bit. The strokes look suspiciously the same, the angle of the writing.

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Southerly: Who was George Hildebrand…, in reply to David Haywood,

    t was actually a result of the pen needing to be dipped again?

    I think it was a timing issue. Letter written, waited for Hollands signature, then signed and filled in. All 3 may have had to have been in the same place to witness Alington seeing the letter and agreeing to it. He may have been illiterate of course....couldn't write his own name!!

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Southerly: Who was George Hildebrand…,

    On reflection……..after the initial excitement…

    What I think is the original letter:

    I _(1)_______Alington of Methven, hereby agree that in consideration of Mrs George Coleman adopting as her own my girl child_________(2)_______, I give up forever all claim to the said child and guarantee that I will do all in my power to prevent the mother of the child knowing where the child is or annoying the child or Mrs Coleman in any way or claiming the child—the said mother having given up all claim to the said child ___(3)________.

    Signed by the said ____(4)_______Alington [____(5)_____]
    In the presence of _(6)________________
    J.P. ____(7)_______

    What I think is different:
    1. George Hildebrand
    2. twenty-three months old
    3. for the sum of (£20) Twenty Pounds
    4. George Hildebrand
    5. George Hildebrand Alington
    6. (me?) John Holland, Clerk in Holy Orders
    7. [George Coleman], JP.

    My revised theory is……
    The original letter is as above.
    1,2,3,4 5 and 7 were written by George Coleman
    6 was by Holland.
    J.P. was crossed out by Coleman once all the signatures had been done to put it closer to his own signature.

    Alington seems to have not signed it at all???

    Chapter 3,4 5 in the saga will follow. No doubt.

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Southerly: Who was George Hildebrand…,

    Looks to me like someone (George – see below) wrote the letter, sent it to Alington, who signed it. Then had to sign it again “in the presence” of the witness Holland(?).

    Other options are that someone wrote the letter without the “George Hildebrand” in it – in both places. Those names are skewed from the line. “For the sum of…” is also skew-wiff.

    The crossed out “JP” seems to have been written in the original maybe to indicate that a JP needed to sign it???

    And given the whirly start to Gorge’s signature, I suspect George wrote it!! And the whirly JP looks to be George’s not Hollands. Hollands writing is clearly different to the rest.

    The age of the child is also written in differing ink but the same as the"original” writing.


    Edit 2 – Actually…. It looks like Alington may not have signed it at all!!

    Edit 3 - Rubbish. Yes he did...

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Hard News: Circumstance and coincidence, in reply to william blake,

    Formally unannounced in USAF FK-U1, but not caring to hide his presence is heavy handed and militaristic.

    I think that callsign/model number/ FK-U1 is wrong. Surely it is FK-U2.

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Access: Web accessibility is not a box…,

    I found this little gem

    Colour Contrast Analyser

    You can show the contrast ratio for different types of colour blindness.

    It is from WAT-C "Web Acccessibility Tools Consortium".

    Of all things I use it to educate shooting range designers for picking the colours for target numbers!

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Access: Your Relationship With Disability,

    C - Parashooter(s)
    D - Amputee who is also a Parashooter Took me years to convince him that if he did the work he could shoot at the Paralympics. He might yet!!
    E - Coach Parashooters

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Hard News: Illegal Highs,

    I s'pose now they cant't use wabbits,wats and weasels to test the goodies on. I s'pose they will now want to use lawyers........

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Access: Words and Disability - The…,

    Person in wheelchair with arms and legs tied?

    Bound to a wheelchair seems to always invoke S&M visions……

    I loath that phrase!

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

  • Speaker: The purpose of science and its limits, in reply to Bart Janssen,

    My problem with that is that over 20 years none of the magic has worked. So my thinking is how about we stop doing things that don’t work and simply do the thing that has worked in every other country.

    (Being the atheist I am, forgive me, I will have to slip for a moment...)

    Amen to that!!!

    Upper Hutt • Since Jun 2007 • 1590 posts Report

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