Posts by Anna Barge

  • Southerly: Great moments in Prime…,


    Please understand that NZ cannot, should not start using bio fuels. While the idea is beautiful - lazy patches of wheat being magically transformed so it powers our transport system - the reality is different. Basically, the land needed for bio fuels is intensive. Changing to bio fuels would destroy our agriultural sector and would harm our countryside. The ammount of land needed to produce bio fuels is vast. The EU legislations on promoting/ using bio fuels has las to much of Malaysia burning it's rainforests in order to have the arrible land necessary to grow bio fuels. It also means that richer countries will start using excess land to grow bio fuels as opposed to having a surplus crop to feed third world countries.

    Basically, bio fuels are ethically, environmentally and economically a disaster.

    Since Feb 2007 • 1 posts Report