Posts by Keir Leslie
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And the amount of engineering is not irrelevant, it's the difference between a good car and a bad one, after all. Why is it not the difference between a car and a bike? Cars have massive redundancy of safety features built in.
No, the amount of engineering is irrelevant. It's like saying Windows is a better operating system than Linux, because Windows has some indefinable thing called more engineering.
The reason that a bicycle has very little engineering involved these days is that it is a classic product of the Victorian hero-engineers. It is like the wheel; one doesn't need to improve it really. Wells didn't write any books about cars, did he?
Most people riding do NOT ride a $5k bike and there is NO WAY it's as engineered as even a lame weak car
Ben, you do realise that a rusty old Edwardian banger is probably more efficient than any car on the road today, right? (In kms for energy used. (& `As engineered as' is meaningless.))
If you've gone over the handlebars, that means 100% of the braking was being done by the front wheel, which might have something like 2 square inches of rubber on the road.
This really isn't a useful way of thinking about bicycle braking at all.
I have no particular comment to make on the actual sculpture as presented, but the idea that the people working at Weta aren't artists is wrong. I know a couple of people who slaved away on the various movies and got their jobs precisely because they had fine art degrees.
Possession of a fine arts degree is neither a necessary nor a sufficient condition for being an artist.
Also, there's a difference between sculpture and set design. (Demarcation issues, as the guild of philosophers sez.)
Depends if you value 'professionalism' or 'authenticity'.
You know, once you've read HRO you can't take authenticity seriously any more.
(It's a serious problem.)
The Yellow Pages is a better book than The Great Gatsby, if you're looking for an effective doorstop. As literature though...
But `as literature' is meaningless, and in practice leads to rigid formalism and rather bizarre prescriptions about what art forms Ought To Be.
But if it isn't how we actually do it, isn't that a strong argument that it isn't right?
It is often interesting to look at art purely from a conceptual standpoint, but that isn't to say that concepts are the important thing in art.
(This was a double post but now just waffling.)
It isn't fair to say that Gio's objecting to prosaic analysis; rather he objects to the rejection of analysis.
Likewise, a film can be used to pass the time, impress a date, learn factual information from, etc., but "good"/"bad"/"better"/"worse" means judging a film as a film, ie it's aesthetic qualities.
Yay formalism. I disagree that the notion of judging film as film is universally meaningful, and I don't think that is the way we judge artworks in practice.
Christ, if you set `rugby statute on the waterfront' as part of the first year course at Canterbury or Auckland you'd probably get something better than this.
It's mainly a pity it's a bit shit, isn't it?