Posts by Don Christie

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  • Hard News: O.G.,

    Anyway Ron Mark is okay by me after his sterling performance in the Terrace Tunnel yesterday,

    Ron Mark finally found a use for his finger that didn't tie him to NZ's gang culture.

    But yes, good on him for that life saving effort.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1645 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Sneaky brackets,

    Re the payroll tax, I agree it should be considered when calculating total tax take, but it's paid by employers, not employees,

    So is PAYE. Sorry, I don't buy your argument. It's a tax directly related to income. End of story. They just called it something different to look good to idiot kiwis.

    Aussie total tax take seems higher than NZ. But they get a hell of a lot back in benefits. The middle class "welfare" is pretty good over there. There does not seem to be the same screeching about benefits for kids etc. we have here.

    The main concern for folks in Aussie right now is that large swathes of youngsters are leaving school with next to no education to go and work in the mines and earn a truckload of money.

    The analysis is that this does not bode well for the future, particularly when the day comes the Chinese economy is *not* growing at double digits.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1645 posts Report

  • Island Life: The Budget of All Mothers,

    Nice try, buddy but you should have been here three years ago

    Except, they were. WFF, interest free loans, corporate tax etc.

    If it's any indication, my taxi driver last night was a very happy man. He expected a very positive change in his circumstances. He also praised Cullen for not going too far.

    Me, I'd rather they kept the tax and did more infrastructure work. But whilst Labour campaigned successfully on that in 1999 it seems that economic experts like the Espinar boys and the owners of the Herald won't let the public see two sides of the coin this year.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1645 posts Report

  • Island Life: A pig this good you don't…,

    Craig, you have neatly shifted from your original point. Clark herself seems go be asking that question.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1645 posts Report

  • Hard News: Shooting for the Moon,

    Matthew, that's the figure that was touted in today's talk. The claim was Telstra expect these huge profits to compensate for the inevitable loss of monopoly in the copper infrastructure.

    Telstra are very powerful player here. If the election had gone the other way I have no doubt they would have prevailed. Even now it seems the jury is out on the eventual result.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1645 posts Report

  • Island Life: A pig this good you don't…,

    Then again, the equally shabby and dishonest argument Clark is now running is that "tax cuts = 'social service' cuts"

    Oh, Craig, why do you do this to me...

    Ok, I'll bite. One can argue about quality of spending but to suggest that Clark is being dishonest for pointing out the absolute flaming obvious is what...idiotic, dishonest,. I dunno, words fail me.

    You want tax cuts, fine, but don't expect all else to remain equal.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1645 posts Report

  • Hard News: Shooting for the Moon,

    Ok, I am in Sydney at CeBIT. Interesting lunch-time talk from the CEO of G9 about Australia's RFP for the $4.5 billion fibre role out (that's the Government component).

    Two points.

    1. This is happening in Australia, and it going to happen fast

    2. There is a huge issue between Telstra and the rest of the industry. Think Telecom is bad, they are still in nappies compared to the badness of Telstra. That being said, the view here is that operational seperation for this infrastructure is critical.

    Telstra disagree. They want to build the network, own it and make an 18% after tax profit. It will be interesting to see what pans out.

    My final point is, NZ has to do something and quickly. To be honest, National (and maybe Labour)'s timeframes sound way too long.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1645 posts Report

  • Hard News: In tha Hoodie,


    They were the thing. I had a fake one as a kid. The real ones had rabbit fur round the hood.

    In a fight they were a debilitating accessory. Your opponent simply had to drag the long hood over your head and administer a good kicking shortly afterwards.

    Put me off getting into fights though. Well, that and a hight challenged physique.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1645 posts Report

  • Hard News: In tha Hoodie,

    nope in nz wearing a hoodie is very much one of those things that stigmatise youth in NZ. Just ask some teenage boys and they'll be able to confirm that one.

    Don't teenage boys want to be stigmatised? Isn't being misunderstood the whole point of teeangership?

    At least Jimmy donn't drag race or drive fast on the highway neither.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1645 posts Report

  • Hard News: In tha Hoodie,

    My mum wears a hoodie. Keeps her head warm, she sez. I rekon it's 'cause she wants to look like shez down wif us PA kids...

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 1645 posts Report

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