Posts by Eddie Clark

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  • Hard News: Stop the Enabling,


    Apologies. I wasn't intending to say childhood abuse = BDSM preference, and if that's the way it came across I apologise.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 273 posts Report

  • Hard News: Stop the Enabling,


    BTW Bradford did claim that there is evidence that her law has reduced violence about children? Tui ad, anyone?

    Tui billboard if it happened, but it didn't, sorry. She quite clearly said to Paul Henry that her law change was about addressing the culture in New Zealand that its ok to raise your children with hitting being an acceptable form of correction. Obviously this is going to be a long term culture shift, which takes time.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 273 posts Report

  • Hard News: Stop the Enabling,

    A smack on the hand with a plastic spatula then they get a cuddle afterwards.

    And so a new generation of BDSM enthusiasts is formed.

    Lolsome. Possibly BDSM enthusiasts who also associate baking utensils with BDSM...

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 273 posts Report

  • Hard News: That Buzzing Sound,

    Yes, I could. But that'd be taking the threadjack too far :P. In short - better crop yields, higher nutritional values.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 273 posts Report

  • Hard News: That Buzzing Sound,

    Giovanni/Kyle: Heh, snap.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 273 posts Report

  • Hard News: That Buzzing Sound,

    To continue the threadjack (sorry). I don't really see that it's an 'excuse' to be turned off to the point of not wanting to engage by what's easiest to call the 'Kedgley' wing of the Greens, who boggle in their scientific illiteracy and hypocrisy.

    The easiest example is GM vs natural health products. On GM, they took what I see as an overly cautious approach, but its certainly defensible - don't put things we don't know enough about out there for public consumption. However, Kedgley was then the leader in the fight AGAINST regulating natural health products. These are products with chemically active ingredients, with loose regulation, loose dosage control, and some of which have very poorly researched effects. Its simply incoherent to argue, as Kedgley did, that one should be subject to ultra-strict regulation and the other virtually none.

    I come from a family of scientists. Wilful ignorance, hypocrisy, and denigration-by-association of the entire bioscience community is a dealbreaker for me.

    [Disclosure: I VOTED for the Greens at the last election - lesser of all evils etc, but I still can't actually join the party in its current form]

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 273 posts Report

  • Up Front: I Have Been and Always Shall…,

    Emma, I thought the best shout out was the guy doing the space jump in the red suit. I looked at my friend who I went with and we both knew he'd be dead within 4 minutes. Awesome.

    Also, I wouldn't be worried about new kirk/new spock slash...

    I'd be more worried about new spock/old spock slash. I bet it already exists! Scifi Intergenerational clone twincest fanfic: What the internet was invented for.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 273 posts Report

  • Hard News: That Buzzing Sound,

    Giovanni: You too? I'd be happy to join the greens if their luddite anti-science faction, led by Kedgley, would just go away .

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 273 posts Report

  • Hard News: That Buzzing Sound,

    The Christine Rankin thing just boggles the mind. Even though it barely affects me at all, I can't remember the last time I was as ANGRY about a political issue as I was last night watching her on Close Up. The insufferable, arrogant, self-deluding twit.

    Its all about lefties persecuting her (i.e. her getting fired and LOSING her personal grievance claim). She thinks she's gutsy and courageous (how - by dancing incompetently on Dancing with the Stars). She's non politically correct (i.e. hates gays and Maori). And thinks she has great experience for the role (i.e. running a major department so badly she got fired).

    Why is this person still in the public eye, and why is she getting an appointment like this? I really though, no matter how much I disagreed with their politics, this batch of Nats were not social reactionaries. Looks like perhaps I was wrong there.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 273 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Let it die. Please.,

    <disingenuous>Sacha, how many times do we have to tell you: the Standard has NO relationship with Labour at all. They keep saying it, and yet no one believes them, I have no idea why.</disingenuous>

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 273 posts Report

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