Posts by Rich Lock
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Hard News: The price is that they get to…, in reply to
That's probably why I prefer downers over uppers.
Oh, just try mixing them up together.
Sorry, Rich, that sounded not only gratuitously snippy but outrageously unfair and hypocritical
Quite alright, Craig - I have very thick skin. I barely noticed...
My point, and one not made at all well, is how insanely frustrating it is watching the media and politicians point at each other when they're actually in an unsightly circle jerk. You don't like it, all you have to do is take your hand off the other chap's cock, pull up your pants and go home.
Although the opter-outer does have to then put up with it being more or less open season on them. Gordon Brown being the classic recent political bear, baited to his inevitable doom. And recent phone-bugging events in the UK have possibly shown that even if you try to get out, they'll pull you back in. I have a few small micro-iotas of sympathy for those who choose to at least pretend they're sleeping with the devil willingly. Without that excusing the horribly corrupt result, and it taking two to tango, and all that.
Hard News: The Politics of Absence, in reply to
a faintly malicious baby
That's going in the mental quote-bank.
Hard News: The Politics of Absence, in reply to
In the end, I think you marry a human being not a political party.
I had the media more in mind when I was talking about the partners being forced into a role that wasn’t necessarily wanted. Seen but not heard. And God help them if they’re not immaculate.
On your Stepford wives theme, The Guardian has been running ‘Mrs Cameron’s Diary’ for the last year or so, with the running joke being that Samatha Cameron is a Marie Antoinette-style uber-ditz and so clearly the perfect political partner for an Evil Tory.
Hard News: The Politics of Absence, in reply to
That childish eye-rolling clip yesterday should be repeated rather a lot.
Yes. When the carefully crafted mask does slip, it's not a pleasant sight.
Have to agree with Craig here. John Key may be carefully crafting and projecting an image of supreme blandness, but that doesn't make him a subservient animatronic puppet.
The Stepford epithet is more applicable to any of the partners of any of the leaders of the main political parties, and not on their part - it's a role they're forced into. Imagine the fuss if Bronagh expressed an opinion, or support for ACT. Or Labour.
Hard News: The Politics of Absence, in reply to
What she says seems to be discounted by John Key and those in the power, and she has to tow the party line. Even when it is against what she wants to say. Like funding for rail networks.
To be fair, and if I recall correctly, she has actually voted against her own party once or twice on Auckland issues. Someone else will have to provide detail, though.
Hard News: The Politics of Absence, in reply to
Well, for me it's more that National propose (and vote for) laws I disagree with, and don't lose any sleep about it, whereas Labour wring their hands and look all anguished, and then vote for it anyway. Which makes them a pretty useless opposition, in a lot of respects.
While we're at it, the Greens don't get a pass for their support of the CERA, either.
At the moment, I seem to be being bombarded by ads for something called 'late at the museum'.
Seems a bit dodgy to me - I reckon it's probably one of those Nigerian 419 scams.