Posts by JacksonP
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Capture: Mama Don't Take My Lytro Camera…, in reply to
The app I spotted was focustwist (iPhone/ iPod only, basically the models that you can set the focus lock on)
Cheers. I had a go. Interesting, but again I'm failing to see the broader appeal or sense of it.
Thanks David. To save me the seconds it would take to find it, do you know what it’s called?
I keep trying to extract shots I’d want to share out of the Lytro itself, and the new focus shift and stacking simulation shows promise, but I just can’t get inspired. Maybe I should share it around, or have a Lytro day, and get others to try it out. Love the concept of it. Just in the form it’s in, after the initial excitement, my enthusiasm waned rapidly.
Here’s one of the originals with the perspective shift applied retrospectively. If you click and drag, the depth of field changes. Clever, but again I’m lost with how to make the most of it.
Rather not start getting restrictive.
I'm glad to have people contributing whatever they like really. Something old, something new, avoid the borrowed, but bring the blues.
I might go trolling myself. ;-)
Capture: The Capture Pinhole Photography…, in reply to
Can I rip apart an old digital camera and experiment with my own pinhole?
or is the smell, fluid and magic the key to the whole nine yards for this show?Well, we are rather into fluid dynamics on the day,
but if you want to introduce an old camera to wrack and ruin,
we won't stand in the way.Hey!