Posts by mark taslov

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  • Hard News: The sole party of government, in reply to Ian Dalziel,

    PS I can imagine an audio version of this visceral requiem for lost innocence and the new age – “a Howl out on Highway 1’ – having quite an impact…

    As with any eulogy, it’s not the words that matter so much as the sentiment itself, and as with any eulogy the impact it has on the corpse is never a consideration.

    Fascist apologists like Farmer Green, happy for just you know whatever, do wonders to exhume any negative connotations one might have with the word German:

    And there is no way back now.

    And then everyone else still waffling on about voting, voting red, voting blue, voting green, voting yellow; All but one of the leading parties was a vote for fascism. A vote for Labour was a vote for jumping into the fight against the arrested, spied on, and giving him a good kick in the face. Labour was at one point pro civil liberties yeah?

    David Cunliffe has delivered a belated acknowledgement that it was a mistake not to work more closely with the Green Party and lashed out at Kim Dotcom as “reprehensible."

    And so hell why not but:

    Cunliffe has grown on me during the campaign

    Cunliffe is John Kerry. At least there’s no doubt which side of the fence this community represents: The anti-immigrants. Another vote against an integrated citizenry, a vote for the nation where “the Chinese”, “The German” are second class citizens stripped of their right not to be spied on and fair game to be arrested for committing no crime.

    [Robot voice]
    Must build more houses
    Must tax property speculators
    Must raise minimum wage

    Oh but numbers Duke! We are so righteous, it’s not our people being arrested yet.
    And someone pipes up:

    As Chris points out we also now have to consider the NSA/GCSB.

    If you’d ever bothered to read the law, you’ve been fair game since 2003.

    All I can fairly gauge is that most probably next to none of you standing idly by have ever spent time in the cells, never been commanded to remove your laces or turn out your pockets, never had your possessions requisitioned by the state, your family traumatized by Government apparatus. These experiences remain rumour, speculation, and foreign. And as long as they’re limited to the foreigners then it’s so easy to keep kidding one another (regardless of what history shows in instances like these) that it’s John Key and National Party who are the problem.

    but yeah on with the numbers, I’m fascinated reading about how the vote was split in Na Zi

    Te Ika-a-Māui • Since Mar 2008 • 2281 posts Report

  • Hard News: Five further thoughts, in reply to ,

    My vote immunized me from having to suffer the ashamed

    With that in mind I oughta vote more often.

    Te Ika-a-Māui • Since Mar 2008 • 2281 posts Report

  • Hard News: The sole party of government, in reply to Katharine Moody,

    And of course the intent of a constitution under a liberal democracy was to protect individual rights by placing constraints on the exercise of the ‘will of the majority’ by our representatives.

    Sorry I missed this earlier, yes, it's a funny one, reading through all this you'd almost imagine the thread was written in relation to something of Democratic importance. Oh, there were two threads today, both for the most part making some effort attempting to impress this illusory perception that the democracy churns. Never be fooled by this, very few here care about Democracy, sure they'll lament the loss of their party, and cry foul at the antagonism of the perceived adversaries, but when nuts comes to bolts, this is the farce, so inextricably connected to why they have no good news to share with one another. Some are noble in intent but disintegrate at the prospect of anything more. Some are two-faced turncoats, some are rigid, and simply lack that necessary spark of humanity required for their ideals to be anything more. Others are none of these.

    It's not a happy story, obviously. It's most often just a collocation of phrases and idiom, colloquial loaners like "schadenfreude" or "shite" picked up along the tightrope, dragged through lean and rough for just such an eventuality. And dispensed with the due care of negilgent water carriers.

    Their epithets for the most part are hollow, their epitaphs won't flex or grasp as anything more than lives lived in the shadows of monsters. The ugliness is not in the effort itself but the insular fear and misguided sense of self-preservation that issues forth like the sound of a numbly silenced fart through the trousers of a preaching vicar, screwing them shut tight as jam jars in a reticent spring thaw.

    The object was never to win or prevail in any sense beyond a mere splattering of colour on a narled hunk of sandal wood. A grouping of pigment dressed in a skimpy lingerie of lofty motive and intellectualised opium. To them this day reveals their stash was rotten and seeded, sparking, still resolving to inhale nonplussed.

    One katamarine of pride for an instant hung between, its bows grouped, gripping the waves, intoxicating the larynx, the blunted pointed psyche drawn inwards towards a common destination.

    won't the wind shift the hazelnuts.
    Won't it.

    On the perspex canvas of mystified chaperones, reaction and impetus,once again sprayed the branch to wavelength 450–495 nm, frequency, 670–610 THz. The Ostrich tipped and quaked and shunted itself out to in, and dreamy damage flicked it's middle finger 'pon the tender filthy snout.

    denial reconvened and dusted off its arad bookshelf, feeble cursing cum stained fingers ripping gusting through the worn and shredded spine.

    Expected outcomes for all and shady hidden sketchy motives slipped again so swiftly, wetly, remorsefully inside the yellowed orifice of hankering and jonesed out pomp. The guilt of non-acceptance sharply piercing nipple through a tantamount to conspiracy. corruption. collusion. and offal.

    election cried they lost! but none now knew nor cared their numbers sparse and nimbly shrunk. For no great moment past just now despite the war cries and the roars issued from the last left colleseum. capitulate, conceded.

    Erect beneath a languid Kauri moonlight burned a fleeting grimace on that signpost reading 20, 20 what? 20 Jan, 2 0 1 2, the day this day no longer was. The coiled shafts of feacled shit they'd kicked astray as bravery ran for cover shepherding a storm.

    And yet still further still beyond the ranges and the sunset hung the plaque, it's numbers dimly lit by screams of red between the limbs of Tuakura. Twenty-O-Seven, Fifteen Ten the chant. Twenty-O-Seven, Fifteen Ten the bleet that lubricated apathetic dismal burning rape. Get with it hummed the chorus.

    Last still along the road, by now but ours by telescope, to lithe Pohutakawa's bark afixed by cellotape a worn and piss-stained photograph, a long forgotten refugee. beaten bruised and limping wanking to the rhthym of the SIS man's grin

    hocks a loogey. it meant something once, the fox in me, the pox repeat, the cox you see was nowhere near the scullers as they tamed the river's mouth. hypocricy, no no no, but like it, the rocks of me, still vacuumed closed and pervy. Botox police, red socks machine, despot the clean. then still at once:

    Democracy! democracy! the bleeding sceams of which burst through the cloud of misty beastiality. the member pounding in an out its gaping, chafing,
    buggered hole. it's horns we grip and wrench from side to side as burps and wails tumble past it's shawn and jagged lips, as penis cock impales its deepest dream and burns its wince upon our deafened's blinded munted cunt of sex rebounding to our thrusts. the milk which once sustained now puddled stinking on the gravel. And on. And through, and past we fuck the bile out its eyes the shit expunging through its nose the balls of indifference clanging on its hind, just pummeling the septic gash of freedom with our hunger wanton filthy gagging sheepish niggardly puffed up yesterday engorged of all but itself.

    and now we head to work, our sheepskins shine.
    Our adages but repugnant indignance culpable and running with the wolves.

    Te Ika-a-Māui • Since Mar 2008 • 2281 posts Report

  • Hard News: Five further thoughts,

    5. Patsies.

    Te Ika-a-Māui • Since Mar 2008 • 2281 posts Report

  • Hard News: The sole party of government, in reply to Michael Meyers,

    Vote? LOL Dude, when you’ve got no less than 88 name suppressed individuals admittedly spied on, residents arrested at gunpoint without warrants on charges issued 12,000km away, and when that kind of shit is going on in a so-called democracy, look at the clock. There’s no freedom left, there’s no true equality, and there’s no safeguard from the authorities doing exactly whatever the hell they want, there’s no protection from the authorities taking your stuff, taking you, there’s no accountability, there’s no strength in mass, there’s no independent advocacy for what is right, there’s nothing there any more to vote for, no cohesion, no spirit, no integrity, no empathy, no resolve, no safety, no independence, no protections, and certainly no democracy. So vote? Like the Germans did? Yeah, Nah bro, it’s time to be busting out those swastika armbands and getting your goose on.

    Te Ika-a-Māui • Since Mar 2008 • 2281 posts Report

  • Hard News: Five further thoughts,

    This nation, that time and time again back-slaps itself for protesting apartheid, for fighting injustice, for standing up to the indefensible, in the name of righteousness and equality for all people no matter their colour or creed or religion or country of origin has fallen right off the planet

    Te Ika-a-Māui • Since Mar 2008 • 2281 posts Report

  • Hard News: Five further thoughts, in reply to Kumara Republic,

    It’s not that I doubt your best intentions DeepRed, it’s just that, you know better.

    Do we have something like the Race Relations commissioner in New Zealand to stand up for our caucasian immigrants? Any oversight for any of these issues?

    Te Ika-a-Māui • Since Mar 2008 • 2281 posts Report

  • Hard News: Five further thoughts, in reply to Kumara Republic,

    Let me guess. Was it the country that produced the Rainbow Warrior bombers, or the country that produced Uwe Boll?

    That may not help Sir.

    Dotcom promised us an Italian 5 Star Movement by pitching for the Johnny Rotten vote. What we got instead was the Exclusive Brethren effect.

    Dotcom was spied on, arrested with an illegal warrant, refused bail, refused the opportunity to sue for being spied on, assisted in ensuring an elected representative was convicted for election fraud, watched those who spied on him escape without conviction, took countless weeks, months, years of abuse, debasing and discrimination by the nation’s media and the Prime Minister of New Zealand. And our democracy failed him again and again at every stretch…is what happened. and you’re right up there with Johnny, second mate paddling that waka heaven knows where with a big grin pointing fingers at the immigrants.

    Te Ika-a-Māui • Since Mar 2008 • 2281 posts Report

  • Hard News: Five further thoughts, in reply to Katharine Moody,

    I’ve often heard British people refer to New Zealanders as hillbillies, no one fits this description better than the PM. There are still millions of cool people in New Zealand but wouldn’t you know it, they’re invariably the quiet ones, and the passive ones. on the fringes. Also as Steve mentioned on the other thread, there’s the old joke about the word gullible not being in the New Zealand dictionary.

    There’s not many ways to spin it. The Labour party suffered its worst defeat for eons and not only that but while voting red MPs the electorates were voting for National on the party vote. So comprehensive was this rout that rather than even hesitantly suggest something may not be right and call “recount!”, the party faithful spent the day examining pie charts and talking about an event 3 years ahead. In a week that was dominated by the Prime Minister being forced to deny pretty much conclusive evidence that we, a small, allegedly democratic nation, is engaged in mass surveillance, following weeks of serious allegations culminating in the resignation of a cabinet post, and most recently the PM absolutely losing his shit on nationwide broadcasts for a couple of days, issuing all manner of xenophobic barbs, echoed and repeated by a chorus of bent media. punctuated by the issuance of legal proceedings against the National party by the biggest whitest misogynist rapper in world history, and all occurring against a backdrop of revelations that 88 New Zealanders were spied on, which only came to light following an overcooked assault by 70 operatives who came in helicopters to arrest someone for copyright infringement at the behest of some folk 12,000km away.


    Te Ika-a-Māui • Since Mar 2008 • 2281 posts Report

  • Hard News: The sole party of government, in reply to Kumara Republic,

    illiberal democracy

    Thanks for this word, I noted today you conflated it with inverted totalitarianism, which I’d only heard recently too, but illiberal democracy is a better summation for now, and I’d think very carefully, as unpleasant as this thought may be that rather than this being something that is impending, it is something that is in full flight. The cicadas of corruption are making one hell of a racket in the treetops this evening. I can hear them from here.

    Te Ika-a-Māui • Since Mar 2008 • 2281 posts Report

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