Posts by LegBreak
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Anyone else just a little bit confused by now?
Smith, despite being overexposed, is good value.
The other thing in his favour is that he’s not as embedded as the rest of them. How can Craig McMillan, Kiwi Harris, and Kyle Mills possible be objective?
But last night was certainly nostalgic. Good to see the <insert current Aussie enfant terrible> is a wanker chant hasn’t evolved with age.
@Paul W
An ACB v NZC battle was only ever going to have one winner.
But it’ll be fascinating to see what the Asian Bloc makes of him
Shaun Quincey had drinking water and two copies of the Herald dropped to him yesterday
Two? So he’s not doing this solo after all.
Most of that Canadian curling team play for a club called the Calgary Cougars.
And over the ditch it will be interesting to see how Lara Bingle goes.
Clearly, here's someone who has seriously courted the media for years.
But this Fevola guy has found a whole new shed of barrels and scraped them all.
Serious question. Aren’t the Finns and the Topps distantly related?
Or is that just some bit of Sth Waikato / King Country folklore?
No-one is seriously comparing the amount of free-to-air coverage between summer and winter Olympics, are they?
They’ve always been massively different in NZ.
Comparing % of total broadcasting budget with % of radio listenership seems just a little creative.
Is there much gospel music on ConcertFM?