Posts by BenWilson
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I hear this kind of thing happens to people. Being able to fight would probably be of use at such times, although these days I'd be terrified that if I punched someone to the ground they might hit their head and die.
I can imagine it's quite practical against drunks, although even more practical is backing off before the argument.
I thought a dick was someone who quotes Shakespeare sonnets at parties.
LOL. Never been to a party like that.
Also, and I note this from some experience across a number of forums, it's really easy to decide how things should be policed when you're not the one who actually has to do it.
Totally. I change my mind on the subject quite a lot, even. You don't really have the luxury.
Use their force to floor them.(It does also work in the scrum&punch&kickngouge of - say, a pub fight?)
I wouldn't know. Never been in one. Nor has any Aikidoka I've met. It's not an art that appeals to brawlers.
I never liked the chucking much, probably because it was too easy for me. Far rather the hitting and being hit. Half torn off callouses on the hands and feet and a chestful of good honest bruises... good for the soul.
I'm new to grappling, most of my training is in striking. Both are definitely effective. A good strike can set up a perfect takedown. Similarly, a good takedown hits you like a very powerful strike. The distinction is starting to blur for me, strikes are towards the 'third point' and will knock people down like throws, and every throw sets up a myriad of strikes.
Suggest? Suggest? I wont be using you then. I thought the whole point was that being psychic an' all, you should know man! ;))
The psychic side is fledgling. My bread and butter is transport to alternate reality.
How obvious does it have to get before anyone's allowed to mention it?
I only really became certain of the connection when he started slipping off down the dark side again.
-there has been a consistency in Mr Whomever-he/it-is of having a go
at some comers, not least myself.It's his "tell" as professional gamblers sometimes say. Can't resist ragging on the women, when they cross him.
Robbie, if you want to really change identity, you also have to change your style when you're angry/offended as much as when you're getting along. That you keep coming back, and are open about a number of personal things in your life suggests you see something of value in the place. Don't wreck it with moments of self indulgent nastiness, mate. Try just writing it and deleting it, I find that helps sometimes. We all think these things, but there's something hypnotic about that "Post Reply" button. Try the other one first - "Preview". Breathe, Relax. Put on some phat beats, chill out, play with your dogs for a bit, and reconsider.
My psychic powers suggest you're most especially bitter this time because it is your real name, finally. If so, Robbie, you can do better, I know it. I certainly thought I saw a lot more refinement in this particular identity, right up until 2 pages ago.
Given that Ben has also expressed martial arts love in the past, I am now wondering exactly how he 'uses people as a de-stresser'....
Funny you should ask. Not 30 minutes ago I was chucking people around, and being chucked around. I feel tired, but I'm glad I did it, nothing takes your mind off work like it.
Y'know, Ben, that might be part of it. Through that period I was doing a content work contract, which is very much solo no-feedback work.
It sounds like a dream, until you try it, eh? Going through it right now, especially today. Presented the culmination of a year's work to Test, and despite them tearing it a new one, I feel great. Yesterday I was almost in despair. People are a good thing.
Indeed, a mate is without an office for a bit, so I offered him to use mine. Practically, it's an inconvenience to me, but I'm actually looking forward to it. I think he is too, also being a solo worker. We might keep each other a bit more honest on keeping regular hours too, something that solo work is prone to challenging, and I don't think in a good way.
I'm not sure that making such connections is a breach of etiquette. Others may correct me on this.
It's an interesting question. A pretty minor breach to connect one pseudonym to another, not really in the league of connecting a pseudonym to an actual name, particularly when that name is rather famous. Also, Islander has many years invested in her pseudonym, compared to a couple of weeks.
I distinctly remember her outing myself (there may have been other occasions), at the hands of one C Ranapia. IIRC, I'd never have even noticed it, if Islander hadn't made quite a fuss about it, for which Craig humbly apologized. Until then, I had actually thought that she was a he, and also a Pacific Islander. Silly me.
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