Posts by Ian Dalziel

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  • OnPoint: "Smokescreen," I scream,

    Smoke and mirrors...
    Not so much Caucusobfuscation as Double Bunkum
    I guess they'll be "topping-and-tailing" by 2010 then...

    I agree with Sacha that more needs to be done to restore hope and self esteem in the ccommunity.
    Why would you cut night classes and special needs schools (like Aorangi Primary in Chch) just to save money - the psychic equivalent of boring holes in the lifeboats...

    The country needs a heart and a brain, with less Testosterone and more Serotonin & Dopamine... 8- )

    Elric The Eternal Optimist
    Gottfried Leibniz Appreciation Society

    Christchurch • Since Dec 2006 • 7953 posts Report

  • OnPoint: What gorilla?,

    Meanwhile back at the McVicarage...
    "I cannot contain myself..." ejaculated Mick the Vicar,
    "I think the purple velvet restraints suit you best!"
    purred and preened the actress...

    Speaking of restraining and constraining:
    Containers are for Shipping Goods !
    ergo Sewers are for Kipping Bads...

    ...So let's just stack a whole bunch of
    these on each other... voila - Hokey Pokey!
    - much like those Japanese City automat hotels
    - drainage meets Neuromancer -age
    (time off for good beehiviour maybe)

    Solves a lot of the container problems,
    sollid construction, no rust...

    Other interesting shelter ideas here

    Lee Cor Bustier
    ""The house is a machine for living in."

    PS Joe W - can you email me - my hard drive
    died and I have lost all my emails, contacts and
    other data and about 5 months worth of work ...
    ...sob ...sigh
    - I must back up
    - I must back up...
    - tsumi, tsumi
    - digital tsunami...
    8- (

    Christchurch • Since Dec 2006 • 7953 posts Report

  • Up Front: NSFW,

    ^^ Foolish things
    Doh !

    Christchurch • Since Dec 2006 • 7953 posts Report

  • Up Front: NSFW,

    These foolsih things - that need to be changed...

    'mutatis mutandis'

    Well, it was all Tort Briefs for the Bachelors of Law
    wasn't it?

    Solomon Grundy
    Barista & Bush Lawyer

    Christchurch • Since Dec 2006 • 7953 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Peter Principle,

    The Great Stone Belt... or a renal smack?
    Isn't modern medicine wonderful...? and the marketing... !
    I mean a kidney stone dissolver called Ural named after a Russian Mountain range (itself meaning belt of stones and one of the oldest ranges on the planet)

    I'm guessing the connection is in the entropic grinding action, as great mountains become boulders, small stones, grit then dust - all things must pass - carried by gravity fed liquids to
    a loo vile pain - much like Canterbury really... : )

    Did your GP not have any suggestions for sonic solutions to your crystallising calculus problem? I'm surprised the Gordons / Bailterspace don't have a song called Shock Wave Lithotripsy or HDU's Metamathics maybe.

    But seriously, Russell commiserations on your unexpected IV League induction and all the best for a rapid recovery...

    Here's the relevant Seinfield episode to enjoy...

    Zane Grey Whacky
    Reduction Agent

    Christchurch • Since Dec 2006 • 7953 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Peter Principle,

    Meanwhile over quarter of a century ago... a small (but perfectly formed) laboratory, Professor Wylie places another of those new fangled colour photocopies on the slab and pulls the lever... watch and enjoy The Bride of Frankenstein unearthed by the NZ Film Archives (watch our for the dust) - with its uncannily prescient Knox en L'hopital bed shots : ) (Thinking of you Chris - onwards and upwards!)

    If the villagers don't storm his donjon, this Doktor Wylie will go far...

    I Gor
    Torch Singer or
    Humpback Wailer

    Christchurch • Since Dec 2006 • 7953 posts Report

  • Up Front: NSFW,

    ...and there was me thinking NSFW was shorthand fior National Science Foundation Wankers!

    ..and wasn't Australia originally a Penile Colony?

    I'd always heard that Erotic was using a feather
    and Pornography was using the whole duck...

    Ida Downe
    Plucky Old Bird

    Christchurch • Since Dec 2006 • 7953 posts Report

  • Island Life: I am curious. Yellow?,

    Seas the daze - I don't mean to carp...

    ...but something is a little fishy...

    I hear the words "Cruise Ship Terminal" and "Party Central" - richly evocative of a golden era!
    Redolent of boom times or just conveniently mentioned in the same context...

    Is there any hard information that there are Cruise Ship visits associated with the brief window of the Rugby World Cup?

    Hasn't Wellington just downgraded its International Cruise Ship terminal to a minimal enterprise reconfigured with a few shops and apartments attached? A private and public partnership of some sort? - Bodes well as a big public earner then...

    By all means open up the waterfont - (take a kid fishing!) - but does anyone have any idea of what John Key's idea of a Party might be? - I personally shudder to think (another round of Pass the Parcel or Party Favours anyone?)

    All he has really done is say "let's buy some already publicly owned land and have a party on it while the RWC is (briefly) on" with no further input or direction - such arrant abuse of power and process...

    Who pays for the "pay for view" access to live TV coverage of the games?

    How does this impact on all the other small businesses - bars, restaurants, food bars, etc that have been promised an alleged huge windfall with the RWC tourist dollars?

    Personally I think we've been sold a pup with the whole RWC concept - and who cleans up the litter?

    Cui bono?

    Cur Mud-John
    The Forward Pack

    Christchurch • Since Dec 2006 • 7953 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Peter Principle,

    BFM - the halcyon (or was it Halcion?) days...
    Russell - fabulous oral history...
    Great you mentioned (and credited) DBGB (that's Debbi Gibbs to the rest of ya) - when is she gonna do a spot from the Big Apple (or wherever she is these days...)?
    I still remember helping out on the first Books of BiFiM and Chris Knox's and Dave Mitchell's great graphix for that radio rag and BFM gig and album covers .. and wonderful nights (and Saturday afternoons!) at the Windsor - when I was either on the door or in the crowd...
    And don't forget to mention that photgrapher Chad Taylor's new novel The Church of John Coltrane is only available in French in France (they really are a bunch of world beating winners!) no takers in the English or Kiwi world - losers...
    ,,, and yes that John Cale gig at the Gluepot was pretty wonderful wasn't it ...
    - I was side of stage and his piano set was life-changing, hell the whole night was... Doug Hood should receive an award for bringing virtually all living members of The Velvet Underground thru NZ at some point - as well as many other crucial acts.
    Speaking of City Gates - do you remember that BFM/Headless Chooks Cricket game that went too long and we were all locked in the park after twilight...?
    Who needs an old man on a bike - eh?

    Nazel Iliad
    Epic Scenter

    Christchurch • Since Dec 2006 • 7953 posts Report

  • Island Life: Big Little City, Big Little…,

    Marmitreya and Cheeses on the Cross...

    little baby cheezuz

    the continuing adventures of the Spotlight Kid
    The son of Gouda will put the teaser back in easter
    or is it just Loki and Coyote up to their old tricks?

    Anyway, I'd always thought Maitreya wasn't coming till after Buddhism
    had been forgotten... (he gestures hypnotically, the mandrake screams!)

    But is Roger Douglas

    Well, I've always found (Sir) Roge the Doge vegan disquieting...

    Il Doge
    The Merchant of Venice

    Christchurch • Since Dec 2006 • 7953 posts Report

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