Posts by Danyl Mclauchlan
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There was a storm over at Sir Humphreys when AL banned Redbaiter (now there's a troll) for what seemed to me to be eminently justifiable reasons involving defamatory abuse. Lucyna got the pip and went off to start her own blog, but I've always found her very strange anyway.
Candidly I find it rather gratifying that 'RedBaiters' great contribution to the New Zealand blogosphere has been to tear apart it's most conspicuously conservative far-right community.
I'm a big fan of user-moderation - when you first look at the comments threads in slashdot they look like a debate between the hundred smartest people on earth. It's not until you take off the filters that you realise the thread is filled with thousands of idiots screaming abuse at each other.
I don't think Public Address needs such a system at this point in it's lifecycle - everyone seems pretty civil.
And while we're talking about blog comments, do any other Sir Humphreys fans remember their constant demands that Russell get a comments system set up so that he could be 'held accountable for his lies'? Notice how their silence on Public Address System has been deafening?
And why does Jordan Carter even bother with a comments system?
yeah, the Exorcist will be more useful then
The power of Key compels you!
Helen Clark chose the bio of young South American revolutionary Che Guevara, The Motorcycle Diaries
That Clark liked the Che hagiography certainly diminishes my respect for her.
It's funny that Key didn't like the Exorcist, given it's impeccable conservative values, but his appalling taste in film fits in with my overall Key hypothesis, that's he's a classic autocrat, smart and personable but totally unintellectual. That won't be a problem when he's trying to get elected but I suspect it will get him into trouble when he actually has to run the country.
Could some tech-savvy at-risk youth explain to me how I get Public Address radio onto my iPod . . ?
I think it's Craig's idea of a joke (ho ho). I couldn't help but notice that he can spell Torquemada's name correctly but not mine - that says something but I'm not quite sure what.
Wandering back to the original topic, the Herald have an interesting article on the extremely litigious and confrontational attitude the police had towards the Bazley report, suggesting their current public mea culpas might not be terribly authentic.
Labour seem to see this whole sordid mess and subsequent inquiry as a chance to reform the police to their hearts content, with the Police and opposition effectively powerless to object. Good on them. If they only achieve one thing this Parliament - and that's kinda how it's looking given their current legislative agenda - then police reform and a truly independent complaints authority will have been an admirable feat.
I think there's a certain amount of preciousness going on. I'm planning to reactivate my long dormant blog, and if you don't like my comments policy and how I apply it please feel free to go elsewhere.
Thanks Craig, but I think I'll just pick the 'go elsewhere' option upfront. Although if your blog is as drenched in irony as the above sentence I'm sure I'll be missing out. Good luck.
I've gotta stand up for DPF here - he does exercise some control over the contents of his threads - for example he banned me from his site when I suggested it was, uh, sexist.
So there is some comments moderation after all ;-)
The 'religion of peace' quote is actually W's - but if you want proof that there is a tradition of left-wing sympathy for Islam then just take a gander back through this thread.
Many of those you call the "left" are deeply unhappy about a minority group in western society being abused and persecuted due to their religion. In the same way we defended Jewish people being persected in the 1930's we defend Muslim victims of persecution today.
And so am I. But people get so enthusiastic in their outrage of muslim persecution that they end up defending the Islamic faith by making patently absurd claims like 'it's a religion of peace!' and thus become apologists instead of merely insuring that muslims enjoy access to the same rights and freedoms that the rest of us do.