Posts by BenWilson
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I tend to think that speculation about aliens is a form of science. It's very much akin to our speculation about gods thousands of years ago. From that, the occasional idea arises that might be observable, or lead to an experiment, and science progresses a little. Consider that the planets are named after gods...
But it's not particularly well developed science, however well developed the other science is that the speculators are working on, because so far no aliens have been reliably confirmed to exist.
Hawkings' guess is as good as anyone's. The sample data size of aliens is currently zero.
So if you sold a growlight to a grower, and you earned a wage doing it ...
It really is looking like the police want to see if they can bust someone for working in a fucking shop.Lets hope the courts don't see it that way.
I'm troubled by that.
We'll all be watching it closely. If there's no evidence of them committing crimes in a large number of cases, it will be very concerning. If, on the other hand, most of the ones who are arrested are linked directly to some illegal sale of, say, cuttings, to one of the undercover cops, then the really big question will be "to what extent did the environment they work in encourage that?". Oh, and the usual question of whether the cops actually entrapped them.
I'm sure the purpose of this whole thing is to scare people off using SOG, and to give the impression the police are doing a worthwhile job.
But I doubt anything really worthwhile will be achieved. As always, they're just making some other manufacturers richer. 250 sounds like a lot, but there must be thousand upon thousands of grow houses, and there are hundreds of thousands of customers. This raid will just make people a bit more careful - they'll use fake IDs to buy stuff, or intermediaries.
Well, the 250 arrested citizens have a different perspective on it: i.e., it's also about people's lives and freedoms, not simply the tightness of supply.
Surely. But take into account that they were breaking some serious laws and profiting by that, when you consider their lives and freedoms.
Be fair to Peter now. He was just pushing a different lifestyle choice as being good too, and quite clearly said he didn't think Mary Jane was the Wanton Wicked Weed of Satan, the Damnation of all Immortal Souls. She's just not worth slitting one's wrists over, if the supply tightens a tiny bit.
I am not averse to the idea of home distillation, one of the attractions of moving back sometime would be the chance to try my hand at making whisky (if I can source some peat smoked malt), but the potential for harm is high unless you are careful.
Sounds crazy dangerous and hard compared to growing your own weed. First there's the chance of the equipment exploding, and secondly the chance of poisoning yourself (I know one person who nearly died doing this). Then there's all the hassle involved brewing it, stilling it, bottling it, storing it. Lastly you have to drink the rotten stuff.
Or you could just buy it. It's legal.
The most I've heard going wrong with weed cultivation is it either dies, or someone nicks it, or you get busted, or the crop is disappointing. TBH all of those sound less serious than the dangers of running a home distillery, which involves 3 forms of death (dismemberment, fire, poisoning), lots of labour and materials, and all for something that will most likely be horrid.
But at least it's life affirming :-)
I laugh at spinners every day. It's habit forming.
Here we call those "The After Ball", and schools threaten to cancel your ball if they go ahead.
They went through with it in my final year. So there was only the After Ball and the Unball (the student organized ball). It really came down to a moral panic about the Ball the previous year, which was apparently a total shocker. I was there and never saw any of it. The whole thing was rather weird, but it was a bit of a weird school. It was the first place that I came to realize that just because someone is a hippy doesn't mean they aren't an authoritarian bastard.
Boobquake came up in my weekly conference call which involves quite a few Mormons. I was not the culprit, but did raise suspicions by clearly being the most informed about it. It was unanimously agreed to be a good experiment, but in need of repetition.
There are no international supply lines, for one thing.
Welllll maybe in seeds. But that's basically unstoppable. You only need one seed, and you can make a LOT of clones.
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