Posts by BenWilson
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Yes. But putting it to referendum is also their best chance of getting it through.
Is it? What do the British people actually want? It could actually end up getting through on bizarre twists by existing cliques trying to hold onto their power. I think this is at least as likely at this point.
Curious that they need a special word "scandalizing", rather than what everyone else has for the their reputation backstop - "defaming". Is that because you can't defame people if it's the truth, but you can scandalize them? Indeed, as Craig says, it's especially scandalous if it's actually true.
I'm not suggesting they do it without concessions. I just can't see them getting major electoral reform through with a bare majority.
It's the best shot they've ever had. It's got to be the most exciting and rewarding time imaginable for the leader of the LibDems, short of actually winning the election (which is Never Going To Happen).
They shouldn't settle for AV. That's no better than FPP. In fact, it's worse, because it hides even more effectively that it's a two party system. There's intense complication in even interpreting what people voted for under that system, and you get this bizarre claim at the end that the winner had "more than 50% support". Of course they did, because the system narrowed the choices down to 2. That's why Labour and Tories want it. Because it's even better than no change at all, it would legitimize their hold on power even more.
It seems to me many Lib-Dems are repeating the wild utopian expectations of the pro-MMP campaign here, as if changing from a grandfather clock to a digital watch will somehow change the way we tell the time.
Strange comparison. I tell the time way differently because of my digital watch than I would if I only had a grandfather clock. For instance, I can tell the time when I'm out on my bike.
But I agree, a referendum is not necessary. It's just a good idea, when you make massive constitutional changes, in a democracy. If it's done properly, which it can easily not be. I think it makes people believe in the system more.
That said, I'd hate to be Clegg right now. He's not going to do well whichever way he goes - and I do agree that a confidence and supply sort of deal with the Tories might well be the least politically damaging route.
See, I can't buy any of this talk of political damage to the LibDems for doing exactly what it is that they've always wanted to do. As I see it, if they don't milk it for all it's worth, it's because they choked . To fall into line because otherwise it might upset all the people who didn't vote LibDem would be the weakest most pathetic thing I'd ever heard of a politician doing after being handed the reward of decades worth of political effort.
Doing that would kill the LibDem party more surely than any other path. What reason would there be to vote for it again, if the leadership made it abundantly clear that the one time they get a hung parliament and hold the balance of power, all they do is get spooked and hand the Tories the bloody keys to office without concessions?
Now is the time for them to harden the fuck up and tell the British people that the views of their particular quarter of the population deserve to be heard. And the message they want heard is that they want representation. It's a pretty fucken important message. It should be pushed in the strongest possible terms.
LOL that's really, really funny, Russell. How to interview someone and not let them say anything . I was amazed at the guy's patience, actually. I'd have snapped 3 minutes earlier.
I've been playing with Brownian motion recently. It's been interesting. I discovered that in a chamber filled only with hot air, a large particle will slow down to a standstill quite rapidly due to the bombardment from the excited molecules. A smaller particle will bounce around seemingly at random. Something about this seems relevant.
And I've used up my Alien Sex Fiend post already. Dang it!
I think you technically only get one gratuitous use. From now on they have to be on topic and relevant. That should keep it down to one a day.
Perhaps we need to take the vote off irrational unpredictable human beings and tell our alien overlords to shake their pseudopod and hurry up with the harsh but loving rule? (Just eat those pricks next door first.) :)
I will never vote for any species I would not [edit: willingly ] have sex with. This does not necessarily exclude aliens, but pics first.
Those are the reasons why it might be attractive to the Lib Dems. They can do well out of it. They should realise that if for any reason they start to fall under 25% they'll very likely face annihilation under PV. Hence the attractiveness of this system to both Labour and the Conservatives. It's proportional representation that locks in the major parties.
Yes, it's Clayton's PR. The PR you have when you don't really want PR. They might as well stick with FPP, at least it's an honest 2 party system.
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