Posts by BenWilson
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I'm a fan of just dumbing it down. When you have to write manuals, it's just the safe option, and I've never had a complaint that what I wrote was too simple.
Curiously, I wrote a manual on how a genetic algorithm I wrote worked. People found it fascinating, and said it had changed they way they understood evolution. I wasn't sure if that's such a good thing, having had very little training in biology. I had to insist that it was only a metaphor.
(Why isn't it *all* jelly?)
'cause then it would be a Jelly-Block. But I feel your pain - a mere chocolate coated ice-cream was the precursor - the Topsy, I think it was. That was always the stink one in the bag. The only thing stinker was one of those tubs that just had ice cream.
Edit: or missing out altogether.
That old Trumpet looks weak by today's standards. But I do come from a time when a Jelly-Tip was like a big reward.
I think you can stop using your articulacy to be an arse to people but dropping the base facility with words would be more like faking a limp
I'm pretty much suggesting the former (and also suggesting that people who do this are unlikely to stop). But I think it's a skill that responds to training and use. If you don't say much, your level of articulateness (articulation? articularity?) will atrophy. I'm not advocating this.
I'm inclined to distrust the highly articulate. It's rather like the distrust I feel for the very wealthy, or someone holding a weapon.
You can drop being articulate as easily as putting down a gun, or giving money away. It can be done, it's just unlikely to be done.
Being articulate is certainly a superpower. I'm not sure it's a path to truth or happiness. But I'd rather have it than not, much like money.
And the iPad doesn't work in the sun.
Sure, but the Kobo doesn't show color in any light. I couldn't use it to read graphic novels unless I was happy for black and white only.
Anyhow it looked great - I've always been in the "until it looks as good as paper, don't wake me up" camp.
0ld 5k00l? I find reading off paper harder now. I guess it's what you get used to, but books held in the hand are just not my bag any more, unless they bring something more than mere text. Picture books, for instance, are still nicer - I'd still rather read a Tintin off paper than a screen. But that is, after all, a work that was designed for that medium.
It would be pretty neat, though, to have your entire stack of comics sitting there in the iPad. In fact, I'd just as soon not have the actual comics, obsessively stored in their little plastic bags in dry room. Reminds me too much of my teens.
But the kobo isn't really for reading graphic novels, is it? Black and white.
Gotta say, kobo looks neat. 800x600 is decent resolution for reading. My PDA on 640x240 is OK, but not really what I'd call pleasant. I think it's a bit short sighted to only have the controlling button on one side of the thing, though. I use my right hand for other things, and when I'm reading a book or PDA, I tend to swap hands a lot because it gets tiring holding it up. I mapped buttons on both sides of the PDA for the basic scrolling. Seriously, I do actually find the netbook more ergonomic for reading than a PDA or a book. For writing, it is pretty good to have a proper keyboard.
2 week battery life is fantastic, though. That's a big drawback of the PDA/phone and especially laptop solution. You really want the thing to last for a whole international flight.
and don't forget the kayak
I deliberately only mentioned the things that aren't distracting. My grog cabinet doesn't really help me work....
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