Posts by Alien Lizard (anag)
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sinister thread warp...
What rhymes with left?
so weave it in the... weft?
heft, cleft, deft, bereft...
or perhaps something that captures the glitz and glamour of our largest city, while capitalising on all that Govt funded international filmic publicity...
ladies and gentlemen I present...
<drumroll> Orcwood </drumroll>
(Middle Earth meets Hollywood...
as I think Hollyland may be too close to some other place...)or if we update the premise
(the city formerly known as Auckland)'s one out of the box!hell you've already got a sky city! :- )
the Dairy Airways...
Just one request – can we abandon the icecream metaphor, in favour of something else? It is getting..umm.. a little uncool.
;- ) -
Fine tuning...
Your Public Radio Stationery
presents the Office Max
Head-Desk concerto
the Paino----
one wonders if they are trying to clear the airways
to accommodate all these wireless Rifid chips
that will be omnipresent soon...
(or is that the analogue TV bandwidth they'll
use for that?) -
Let's make everybody happy...
I Scream for Classical music:
Tip Top sounds on the Cone-cert Programme -
It's only an A away.
Auckland - A way with the ferries
aaah but does a manual vowel movement
trump a machine going thru the motions?
:- )but I liked many of your ones...
why didn't I think to put a caulk in it? -
Nu Council Lack Ad
Taking a break from basking and tail regeneration, I'll rise to the bait....
and see what we find hidden in there:click - laud noun ac
u lick a cloud canon
an icon, a duck cull
annul a lucid cock
lacuna - dock u c nil
(tenuous waterfront reference perhaps)- all done by hand
- the joys of procrastination!
:- ) -
Aucklands new logo, see below:
que? But, the emperor has no clothes!
or is there a missing link? -
(Shut up, it is so a word, and one that perfectly describes Ms Hart.)I thought badass mostly came with tinges of uncooperativeness and overly aggressiveness which I wouldn't have laid at Emma's door - so I'm guessing we are going for the secondary
meaning of formidable and excellent...
definitely no argument there!There's a devil inside of me dept:
though I am wondering if the "double-d" version
of baddassed-ness you have used, is in context ?
;- ) -
No effort is more important than ensuring a city logo is created, by professionals, that can carry us through the next century.
indeed, after all Logos is the Word of God, or principle of divine reason and creative order...
...after all those years in the wilderness Auckland sorely needs a burning brand!The Guild of Hermetic Mark Makers rests its case...