Posts by FletcherB

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  • Hard News: "Evil called: Can you make a…,

    but I don't see evidence of them actually making stuff up - they exploited Tampa but didn't create it from what I can see.

    Well, a boat called Tampa was there... They didnt make that up.

    It had people on board that may have been refugees or may have been trying to gain illegal entry.... They didnt make that bit up.

    But the people on the boat didnt actually throw children into the water to force the Australian armed forces to rescue them, as claimed by the Prime Minister on national TV. THEY MADE THAT BIT UP.

    Politics is all about presenting the facts from your own point of view, (we call it spin, I'm sure you've heard about it). But making shit up is lying..... and making shit up that suggests other people are evil is pretty bloody EVIL in my book.

    West Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 893 posts Report

  • Island Life: Hunting Squirrels,


    A few extra small words in there make it look like I was trying to say "is too frequently".... that was not my intention...

    "is frequently" was what I was thinking...

    West Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 893 posts Report

  • Island Life: Hunting Squirrels,


    yes, YOU said "NZ's preeminent leftie blog"... and Russell said "I see myself or Public Address being decried as "extreme left" on some wingnut blog."

    I dont believe Russell was saying YOU were a wingnut blog... Places like Whaleoil and no minister, and not DPF himself but his commenters DO frequently say "extreme left" or usually less polite euphamisms and insults.... Maybe your less extreme comment just reminded him of others?

    As it happens, I agree with your basic premise..... what passes for "the left" in NZ (and other places) these days is to frequently is less interventionist than what was considered centre or right a few decades ago....

    Didnt Tony Blair call it "the third way"? To extremists from both left and right it frequently gets painted as confused cant make up your mind fence sitting..... or selling out your ideals to get some voter traction.... but some of us actually think the middle IS better than either end of the spectrum.

    West Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 893 posts Report

  • Readers' Tips,

    I was told to plant in September, and not take out until it gets cold and you get the first frost!

    I am not a gardener at all, but that sounds like distinctly northern hemisphere advise....

    In the southern hemisphere, assuming you get frost at all, its either still frosty in Sept (so the "first frost" could be the following day), or frost has finished and you wont be getting any frost for another 9 months....

    West Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 893 posts Report

  • Readers' Tips,

    Jeez, you meat eaters are angry

    well, I wasnt angry until I got called a murderer...

    Anyway here's my tip....

    I'v found that if your car is going too fast, putting your foot on the middle pedal will fix it.

    Also, you can confound criminal types who might be looking over your shoulder when you enter your eftpos PIN by typing in the wrong number....

    West Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 893 posts Report

  • Legal Beagle: If we only had time,

    The last time we had a CIR there was indeed delays in finding out the election result... and as already mentioned by another poster earlier in this thread, there was an enquiry/commision or report, and it was concluded this could avoided simply by not counting the CIR until after the election results were known. Tricky huh?

    Also... as to a delay or with the general election...

    (ignoring if it's logistically possible or not)

    Some say its for more discussion... to keep the issues separate...

    Some suggest it might garner a different result?

    Here's my hypothesis...

    If it's held at the general... the vast majority of the people who turn up to vote will also vote in the CIR...

    I'm not really sure if the petitioners are representative of a majority, or if the public at large are more liberal than some seem to think.... in my mind it could go either way... but if 70-80% of the electorate vote (is that how much turnout we got in 2005?), and most of them vote in the CIR.... there's a good chance either way that the result might actually represent a real majority of all registered electors... or at least if the sample is large enough it might be presumed to be more representative than any opinion poll ever conducted (apart from actual parlimentary elections).

    I think the main purpose of delaying is not to change to actual % outcome.... its simply to reduce the number of people who can be bothered to vote, and thus make it easier (politically) to ignore the result...

    If the referendum is delayed, I doubt there'll be 1 million votes... maybe not half a mill?

    I know our referenda are not binding.... but politically it's far easier to ignore a 'loss" if you can paint the people who bothered to vote as some jumped up over-excited minority...

    Whichever way the result goes.... a 20/80 result of a small vote just doesnt mean anything compared to a 60/40 one that actually represents a huge portion of the electorate...

    West Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 893 posts Report

  • Speaker: What goes on tour,

    Shep... I'm going to have to withdraw my accusations of quote marks around the word model...

    I've just been back through my browsers history and couldnt find them... I'd have guessed I saw them at the News Of The World's story that was reputedly a paid interview... but they just weren't there...

    Maybe I just imagined them?

    West Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 893 posts Report

  • Speaker: What goes on tour,

    There are AT LEAST two women....

    According to different unreliable sources.....

    1) a woman, who has spoken to police, may have been raped in an incident involving up to four players.

    2) a different woman had consenting sex with a player that may or may not have been one of the four

    3) consenting woman was told by her player that five other players "scored" that night....

    That could leave an extra unaccounted for player and partner... who, assuming consenting, we havent heard about.... and nor should we need to.

    West Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 893 posts Report

  • Speaker: What goes on tour,

    Actually, the newspaper did not say she was a model, but instead a 'model'.

    They made a point of using quote marks each time they said it.

    I suspect they were trying to imply something...

    West Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 893 posts Report

  • Speaker: What goes on tour,

    We dont have many facts to go on, but some things that are public are already contradictory....

    One of the named four, is also the one that 'Angel' has named and said could not be involved....

    I see many possibilities...

    1) Newspaper has made a mistake, or is reporting false rumors.
    2) Newspaper has used "sex allegations" on purpose so they can include 1 rape allegation and 1 seemingly consented to and mutually satisfying act into one story.
    3) 'Angel' is not aware of all facts and is mistakenly providing alibi in good conscience.
    4) "Angel' is aware of facts and is lying.

    There may well be other possibilities that hadnt occured to me?

    West Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 893 posts Report

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