Posts by JacksonP

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  • Hard News: Friday Music: History, motherfuckers,

    Has this been posted yet? New track Team, released while on the road in Europe.

    ‘I’m kind of over getting told to throw my hands up in the air’.


    Auckland • Since Mar 2011 • 2450 posts Report

  • Hard News: Friday Music: History, motherfuckers,

    This seemed apposite.

    Elvis Costello in Paris, 1983. Let them all talk.

    Especially for you D. ;-)

    Auckland • Since Mar 2011 • 2450 posts Report

  • Hard News: Friday Music: History, motherfuckers, in reply to Russell Brown,

    I feel completely comfortable with the fanboi label. And it's not as if a few of us weren't similarly defensive about our enjoyment of LDR when she first arrived. We know what we like, and others hating on it for reasons that seem purely spiteful gets on our motherfuckin' goat!

    Especially when it's a local act achieving unparalleled international acclaim. Don't like the music, them switch it off. But ragging the success just confirms the tall poppy stereotypes we are often accused of.

    Grow up.

    Auckland • Since Mar 2011 • 2450 posts Report

  • Hard News: Game Lorde, in reply to Alan Perrott,

    Count me in.

    Which reminds me Alan, I must send you that email. When's the next shipment of 7s coming?

    Auckland • Since Mar 2011 • 2450 posts Report

  • Hard News: Game Lorde, in reply to Russell Brown,

    But it actually made me angry.

    Me too. It can, and has, hurt people. I just hate the fact it will be giving him unwarranted attention. Then again I very much doubt he noticed my silent protest of blocking him. But I felt better.

    Auckland • Since Mar 2011 • 2450 posts Report

  • Hard News: Game Lorde,

    While I agree with all you've said, the man in question just seems to lap up criticism as if it was praise. There is no difference, when all you want is to put yourself in the frame.


    Auckland • Since Mar 2011 • 2450 posts Report

  • Hard News: Game Lorde, in reply to bob daktari,

    This is exciting… and not long to wait to see what and how well the album will be greeted in larger markets.

    Really exciting. Hard to ignore that sort of across-the-board dominance.

    Auckland • Since Mar 2011 • 2450 posts Report

  • Hard News: Game Lorde, in reply to Martin Lindberg,

    I can’t imagine that having your mum and dad’s friends as fans is what teen pop stars are looking for in terms of endorsement.

    I can. We buy music too, and I'm sure the ability to send positive vibe endorsements to 10,000 plus of your closest friends through twitter (not me, just you know, as an example) is something both the artist, and their label, would be quite happy about.

    But what do I know. I only went to the concert, and loved it.

    Auckland • Since Mar 2011 • 2450 posts Report

  • Hard News: Game Lorde,


    One more. I had a clumsy night of it, and deleted half the photos I took with my hips. i.e. left the camera on while dancing.

    Auckland • Since Mar 2011 • 2450 posts Report

  • Hard News: Game Lorde,

    Attachment Attachment

    This tiny, composed, bewilderingly talented teenager is, by example, asking everyone around her to raise their own games.

    Well, it was alright on the night, from where we were standing.

    Interesting that concert organisers and their crews have to think about not just the audience in the room, but those in thousands of rooms, on various broadcast devices, with varying degree of sound quality and so on. I don’t envy those doing it. Was that one of the Media 3 crew I saw running around?

    The ticketing and rules around entry were a bit weird. Actually the line had disappeared by the time we got there after parking just after 8pm. Would have preferred to watch the Rugby with a beer, then cruise in, but we were told to be at the door for verification by 8.30pm. They never asked for ID, and just scanned the printed ticket.

    The seats were mostly full, and I appreciated the ease with which we could move around the floor area, but they could have got another few hundred in I suspect.

    Yep, at times Ella seemed a little over-awed by the home crowd, but there were moments when I couldn’t help but applaud or dance, or both, which is generally a gauge of a concert’s merit to me. There will be no holding her back.

    Ribs was great, and I also liked Buzzcut Season, although the new track that really stood out doesn’t seem to be online yet. Will have to wait for the album.

    Auckland • Since Mar 2011 • 2450 posts Report

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