Posts by InternationalObserver

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  • Cracker: Get it Off,

    they must be pretending to be lesbians?

    as a rule of thumb, you can determine real lesbian porn by the length of the fingernails ...

    but I'm not trying to buy a fight, nor speak for anyone ...

    and there's in an interesting quote in that link to Students React to Watching Pornography in the Classroom (one page back) that reveals just how dumb-ass men who watch porn are:

    Donna would later tell the class that the ejaculation was an illusion of sorts and that the fluid sprayed all over her chest was actually urine.

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Nasty,

    heh heh ... yes, I almost forgot we were talking about **POLITICIANS!!**

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Playing a KGB spy,

    nice work, well done, & good luck for your next role!

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Cracker: Get it Off,

    straight men were aroused by watching straight sex

    Of course, for the male hetero brain 'straight sex' includes 'two or more hot women pretending to be lesbians' ...

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Nasty,

    I think they're just trying to get the words 'John Key' and 'Serious Fraud Office' lodged in peoples brains early on.

    Yeah but its a bit like the WMD thing. You can bang on about something all you like but once the curtain is pulled and the stage is revealed to be bare then its you who look stupid.
    <a lesson for any side>

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Cracker: Get it Off,

    RB's link might be borderline NSFW, but these are all 'scientific' / 'for research purposes' ...

    Students React to Watching Pornography in the Classroom

    By a show of hands after the viewing, the class expressed that it was the man-on-man pornography, which featured oral and anal sex, that caused students to go furthest outside their comfort zone.

    Women watch porn for science

    The result? No matter what the pairing - whether male/female or female/female - the subjects had similar reactions to both, and according to Bailey this proves that women will respond to anything, regardless of their sexual orientation.

    The same could not be said of straight or gay men, however - last year Bailey and Chivers initiated a similar study in Chicago for men, and discovered that straight men were aroused by watching straight sex, and gay men were aroused by gay sex, and ne'er the twain did meet.

    What Do Pornography and Feminism Have in Common?

    In about 15 minutes we’re all piling into the car – daughters, dogs, the whole gang – and taking Peggy into the city to catch a plane to the Good for Her Feminist Porn Awards in Toronto.

    scroll down further also for:
    What Do Women Watch?

    About half the people who buy DVDs directly from us are women, and our films do very well at stores that cater to women. We know from the letters we get that these women are enjoying watching our films both alone and with their lovers.

    A Straight Woman Looks at Gay Male Porn

    I am just explaining why a woman does not have to identify in order to respond to gay porn, but can, from an empathetic place, experience a symbiotic sexualness.

    Now I'm off to change my username to Sir Linksalot ...

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Cracker: Get it Off,

    drunken engineering students never do the haka when they're rioting these days ;-)

    I don't know if they were Engineering students, but those riotus folk down Dunedin at weekend were definitely doing the Haka.

    see it here

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Nasty,

    That's a new euphemism for an extra-marital affair that his wife didn't know about.

    Yeah, but was it an affair or 'just' some 'inappropriate emails'? By that I mean: did they actually do anything or did they just sail close to the wind? Was it 'merely' just like two office co-workers who flirt too much and then one night after staff drinks they almost take it a step too far? But don't. But then have to recognise their respective marriages are obviously in jeoprady.

    I'm not trying to reduce this to soap opera. It's just that I've never actually read the emails (is there a link?) so I don't know the extent of the affair. But clearly some speak of 'it' as a proven consummated event. <and lets not sideline the discussion into a debate about whether just thinking of it constitutes infidelity.>

    while I didn't regard cheating as a disqualification for office, I did see deception of a loved one as a reflection on character

    Yup, I'll acknowledge that.

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Nasty,

    Blardy good point about Mallard, Craig!

    Er, not so much. Mallard's marriage broke up several months ago, .... but I'm not aware that he was conducting a clandestine affair whilst preaching the virtues of matrimony and toting his wife around for media opportunities.

    Hey c'mon! I'm prepared to give Brash a break on this one. How many of us have waited until after Valentines Day to break up with our GF/BF? (Remember High School people?) How was Brash supposed to campaign without his wife present? The Press would have had a field day. Was he supposed to 'fess up that there was 'a few bumps in the road' re his marriage?

    And besides, maybe his wife had something to say about it ie it's my private life, something I don't want shared with the public. So STFU Don and lets both keep smiling while we work this out.

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

  • Hard News: Nasty,

    Blardy good point about Mallard, Craig!

    Since Jun 2007 • 909 posts Report

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