Posts by Kracklite

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  • Hard News: Let's lynch the liberals!,

    squabbling parties to continue the squabble shall be deemed at fault.

    Ah, Russell, would shaking Craig's hand count?

    The Library of Babel • Since Nov 2007 • 982 posts Report

  • Hard News: Let's lynch the liberals!,

    My apologies for an unfortunate juxtaposition, but it was not my intention to be racist; you should know me better than that. I was using the simile of a tar baby to indicate a particular kind of discursive trap, not a kind of person - and we're all descended from simians. I get annoyed when people insist on behaving as if the last few million years never happened (and I believe that behaving is not the same as being, so it's certainly not necessary).

    For what it's worth, I've only ever heard the term "tar baby" used as I used it, as a simile like "straw man".

    There's always going to be the risk on misinterpretation in this medium, so the assumption of good faith is the best strategy, rather than - as pollywog does - continually going out of one's way to give and take offence.

    The Library of Babel • Since Nov 2007 • 982 posts Report

  • Hard News: Let's lynch the liberals!,

    I don't expect to see "nice" language, I like to see coherence, humour and intellectual rigour. For example, Craig's language is often deliberately offensive, but always witty, because the offensiveness is deliberate and well-crafted. I wish that I could write like that in first draft.

    As you've been gratuitously rude and contemptuous to people here whom I like and respect, you've become fair game. Rolling around and pretending to be a victim now is just transparently silly.

    Here's some more advice: treat the people here with humour and respect even - and especially - when you disagree with them and you'll earn those things in return. If you must be rude, try to acquire some wit.

    The Library of Babel • Since Nov 2007 • 982 posts Report

  • Hard News: Let's lynch the liberals!,

    Frankly, what else is there but bad grammar and a disingenuous playing of the race card? Any fool can operate a search engine and you've only shown that many do.

    This is not just "The Internet", this is PAS, and Hard News in particular. A certain standard of discourse is implicitly required and encouraged. Passive-aggressive pouting doesn't go far.

    You should be at school, actually. In Victoria's summer trimester I teach basic writing for people with learning difficulties and while we're well into the block course, you might still be able to sign up.

    Now please stop trolling me

    Maybe, maybe not. It depends on how compelling my latest batch of marking turns out to be.

    The Library of Babel • Since Nov 2007 • 982 posts Report

  • Hard News: Let's lynch the liberals!,

    The old Surrealist game of Exquisite Corpse, at least, displays grammar, which is essential even for pure formalism. This is something within the scope of even the most basic AI that still can't pass the Turing Test.

    Without grammar, it is impossible to tell what someone is attempting to say, if indeed they they are not simply displaying glossolalia.

    Also, as a helpful suggestion, a thesaurus will assist in presenting a variety of adjectives. For example, "hilarious" might be replaced by "amusing", "twee", "absurd", "ludicrous", "silly" and so forth. This at least shows effort.

    I once received an essay with the sole bibliographic entry being "Google". I awarded it a D instead of an E only because I was in a generous mood. Anyone writing an essay has to at least interpret the information that they find and compare it with other sources. As a corollary of Poe's Law, it can be said that however idiotic an opinion, Google will find it repeated somewhere.

    I can't bear laziness and the essence of a bad student - and a troll - is laziness.

    The Library of Babel • Since Nov 2007 • 982 posts Report

  • Hard News: Let's lynch the liberals!,

    Malthusianism: getting it wrong for 200 years and counting.

    Man falls out of window in upper storey of skyscraper and is heard to say, as he passes successive various floors on the way down "So far, so good".


    the demographic transition means that assuming population growth is exponential is just wrong.

    Yes. In Western Europe and Japan in particular, the problem now turns out to be declining birthrate and an aging population. I suspect that the best way of reducing the world's population will be contraception, education and career opportunity. There will of course be problems associated with that, but they'll be new problems.

    The proper measure of environmental impact - precisely unquantified as far as I know, but surely someone has a measure - is of the footprint that any comfortable Westerner or equivalent has. Earth can support X number of hippies, Y number of boomers, Z number of technocrats. A set of earth and space resources can support... I need a pie chart.

    I also think that the Green obsession with zero-growth economics is a tad embarrassing.

    I disagree - it's more than a tad as far as I'm concerned.

    The Library of Babel • Since Nov 2007 • 982 posts Report

  • Hard News: Let's lynch the liberals!,

    Answer the question. Do you mean to call me a racist or are you trolling?

    Alright, I confess; I am not interested in your answer as it is quite clear without sorting through the thickets of insinuation, that you are simply indulging your own narcissism as you have avoided any issue of substance and are now concerned only with the mere forms of discourse.

    Goodnight and goodbye.

    The Library of Babel • Since Nov 2007 • 982 posts Report

  • Hard News: Let's lynch the liberals!,

    heh...incoherent gibberish pretending to be intellectual discourse is plain hilarious though

    Oh, and don't forget the premodifier, "So-called" - that's de rigeur.

    The Library of Babel • Since Nov 2007 • 982 posts Report

  • Hard News: Let's lynch the liberals!,

    Needs more cow bell.

    That's the prescription.

    The Library of Babel • Since Nov 2007 • 982 posts Report

  • Hard News: Let's lynch the liberals!,

    heh...incoherent gibberish pretending to be intellectual discourse is plain hilarious though

    Ah, those damned "intellectuals". Of course...

    It comes from a children's story in which the dark skin and seeming ignorance (caused by a lack of schooling) of slaves were explained by the idea that black children were baptised in tar, which made them dark and dumb.

    That is an interesting example of cultural history.

    Do you mean to call me a racist? Is so, say so outright. An admission that you are using ad hominem argument would show that you have nothing to say.

    The Library of Babel • Since Nov 2007 • 982 posts Report

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