Posts by tim kong

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  • Something Completely Different,

    Speaking of big rockets - they're about to run one into the moon.

    And they're streaming it live.

    Computer screens filled with text. Check!
    Mandatory US flag attached to wall for no apparent reason. Check!

    And the LCROSS unit is even on twitter.

    Where am I now? Travelin' 1.51km/s(3370mph). 7,784km from the Moon. T-1hr23 minutes ago from web


    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 153 posts Report

  • Hard News: Smack to the Future,


    Tim: "This little clip kind of sums up my thoughts on this idea that a smack can be useful parental correction."
    You are not really serious are you Tim? I think that Alfie's clip is showing that some of the actions we take don't work like we think. He would advocate that there other things to do if you want to make a real change.

    Sorry, you're right Ian - I obviously didn't proof-read my own post. I was meaning to say - I agree with Alfie - that actions like smacking never have the consequences we intend them.

    My thoughts = Alfie's comments.
    'the idea that a smack can be useful parental correction' = the No vote.

    Hope that clears it up. I need to write with more clarity.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 153 posts Report

  • Hard News: Smack to the Future,

    If you're idealistic, then so are a lot of my peers who, like me, believed that it was in the sentiment. I voted YES because I believed in the repeal of Section 59. I valued what it was trying to say to our community.


    I do feel idealistic, it's part of the reason I love my job. I'm mainly deflated this weekend, as it seems the vision/intent of the repeal of S59 has been lost in the dull roar of the 'No' vote. Much like the issue of healthcare reform in the US has been drowned out by the rants of "Nazi death panels ahoy!"

    I voted for YES, for much the same reasons you did - despite not agreeing with the wording of the question, and knowing that this was more about Larry and Family First than any interest in children.

    As Ian has said - Alfie Kohn writes well and has some very useful and powerful ideas about schooling and parenting.

    This little clip kind of sums up my thoughts on this idea that a smack can be useful parental correction.

    Alfie Kohn on punishment

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 153 posts Report

  • Hard News: Smack to the Future,

    My class I was teaching in 2007, who had received and were getting 'the bash' said "It's not going to stop kids getting smacked - but it's a good thing to say it's not OK to hit them."

    Quick edit - I'm not saying all of my students were coming to school black and blue - just that I taught in an environment where that was a part of the culture. Where discipline was hard.

    I hope that makes sense.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 153 posts Report

  • Hard News: Smack to the Future,


    I think it requires very long term education, starting from very early on. Anger/temper management needs to be part of the curriculum at schools. We already do it at kindergarten.

    Very much agree here, and the Key Competencies that are part of the revised NZ Curriculum speak straight to this sort of core value issue. In schools/communities where violence and a culture of 'the bash' is part and parcel, learning and teaching about alternatives can and should be included as part of the school programme.

    I wonder again - if Larry and those who voted 'No' - would consider bringing corporal punishment in schools back - for the purposes of correction. I mean that seriously. Their argument seems to be that 'good parents' know more than others. And should be allowed to engage in behaviour management that allows hitting or smacking.

    Parenting is by and large learnt by having been parented, is it not? So like fathers who teach their sons how to drive - all the son really does is pick up the 'good' and 'bad' habits of the father. Or daughter and mother.

    Teachers are trained, qualified, registered - in the field of child behaviour, learning and management. There are systems for mentoring and monitoring and consequences of inapproriate behaviour. It's what we do - we have a duty of care to children.

    Part of that duty of care - accepted by society, is an inability to use force for the purpose of correction or discipline. If we as a society don't allow those that we train specifically to look after our children to smack/hit them - how and why can we justify that right to those who are by virtue of genetics are their parents.

    I'm not saying you can't be taught to be a better parent. My daughter is 6 months old and I have all of this in front of me. But I find it hard to reconcile the different standards - particularly as they relate to the same subjects - our children.

    My class I was teaching in 2007, who had received and were getting 'the bash' said "It's not going to stop kids getting smacked - but it's a good thing to say it's not OK to hit them." Why can't Larry and co. see that?

    Or am I being too idealistic....

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 153 posts Report

  • Hard News: Smack to the Future,

    And over on the TVNZ site, the quality of the defense just gets better and better.....

    Noddy samurai ; 2009-08-22 @ 11:01 NZDT
    I was smacked as a child and I know it made me a better person for it; "Spear the rod and spear the child" is not outdated it means to punish out of love hoping the child will avoid a life threatening situation in the future. A smack is on the hand and doesn't leave a permanent mark or bruise

    oh my.

    I'm off to watch Wellington attempt to keep the Shield so the rightful owners can have a crack next week. Maybe when I wake up tomorrow with a sore head, this will all be over....

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 153 posts Report

  • Hard News: Smack to the Future,

    It's not exactly light reading, but these are the police guidelines on s59.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 153 posts Report

  • Hard News: Smack to the Future,

    I trust Larry will now be putting together a referendum on the suitability of bringing back corporal punishment to schools.

    As an adult in a position of scholarly responsibility - entrusted by you the great unwashed masses with your child from the hours of 9am until 3pm, for approximately 40 weeks of the year - it's only fair that I be entitled to the same rights of correction and discipline as I attempt to shape the minds and bodies that will carry the future of our fair nation into the future.

    It's merely a natural progression I feel.

    Suggestions for the question: "Should decent thrashing as a part of good teaching and learning, be a criminal act?"


    I'm also assuming that Larry and co. will be punching their fists in the air with these sorts of headlines appearing around the world.

    NZ Referendum Backs Smacking of Children

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 153 posts Report

  • Hard News: A Real Alternative,


    There's a document on the min of ed site - that's about e-learning. Not specifically digital literacy, but it offers some parameters for schools.

    apologies for ugly url.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 153 posts Report

  • Hard News: On the Waterfront,

    uhh. That last sentence should read:

    "merely passing on code that looks to be good work."

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 153 posts Report

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