Posts by bob daktari
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I've been enjoying this compilation from a bunch of kiwi dance/electronic producers -comes on cassette for those that don't want to listen but do feel the need to show it off and digital for those that want to exercise their ears and feet (name your price or free in exchange for a email addy)
its real good
Hard News: Crowded houses, in reply to
When can we vote for the likes of Gen Zero... they'd actually make a positive difference, the endless rearranging of chairs by our two major political parties isn't working
I don't think he's sorry for anything except how his behaviour has made him appear to some - i.e. he's sorry he got outed, caught and convicted
He's so not sorry he will, with his employers approval, use his abuse as a means to promote himself and his employer through a non apology
Polity: A short history of half-baked…, in reply to
rather than blaming the previous govt (the default) or passing off the problem due to you know history... this govt could have, you know, given many people a brighter future but they've consistently denied any problem existed, actively campaigned against all of labours and other parties plans to address the housing crisis (CGT, Kiwibuild) and now are only considering options they've borrowed from those other parties
This govt can wear that blame for they have earnt it
I'm interested in what the 54 million was spent on?
If you want a gotcha surely this is the area on which to focus - especially given how the 26 million spent on the flag referendum caused such outrage from certain quarters, pointing out Smith's failings is a road to frustration on most levels, except perhaps the financial
Hard News: Music: In music's own spaces, in reply to
I see what the local stores are doing as the most positive thing for the ongoing nature of the day - making it about the stores and putting on a great day
it was and always should have been Record Store Day not record release day, the exclusives took over much to the dismay of all bar a few profiteers
well done local stores!
Hard News: Music: In music's own spaces, in reply to
Robyn has ya covered
was a great site, sad to see the community was abused in such a manner
Hard News: About the King's Arms (updated), in reply to
I guess the crucial element to all of this is if and when Maureen and partners sell up who could even consider purchasing the place and continuing it on as a venue - the purchase price alone, I would imagine, would render any venue related ongoing revenue stream as simply too little
This is an example of the real costs of current Auckland housing/land prices and the potential impacts on something we hold dear
Hard News: Media Take: Radio Radio, in reply to
Reef Radio sounds awesome (goons fan here), I really appreciate how the regulators allowed the LPFM stations to flourish in their very limited by constraints manner
Speaker: Are we seeing the end of MSM,…, in reply to
why this person ceased blogging is beyond me given the material on offer each and every day